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Everything posted by slvicky

  1. If you live with a relative you could get a statutory declaration from your relative. I did the same thing for the period I stayed with my cousin
  2. Unfortunately, you have to wait till CO contact you for additional documents. To avoid this you can merge related documents into a single PDF file (Pay slips into once PDF, Utility bills into one pdf etc) For residency: submit tenancy agreement, Utility bills, rent ledger For employment: salary slips, employment reference letter, PAYG, employment contract
  3. Yes. If your application is handled by an Agent, better he/she contact immigration. Also, agents are in a better position than us to make these kinds of queries.
  4. Ohh. That's very strange. Did you click that document provided button on your immi account. I can't think of a reason why CO request same document again if you already submitted them
  5. Oh God, it's Adam again. This means they don't go through every document at the initial assessment and request whatever additional document at one go. Damn that's unfair ? @Puneet What did he request initially?
  6. More awesome news. Congrats mate!!! Enjoy the freedom
  7. Yeah... Good news for all second timers
  8. So according to Raja's timeline. CO picked up second-time applications up to the end of Oct. Hope they'll come to Nov applicants soon
  9. Absolutely. Let's focus on PR first ?
  10. I'm pretty sure there will be more strict rules at the time we're applying ?
  11. How can we apply for citizenship next year? Shouldn't we have to have PR for at least 4 years???? ?
  12. Seems like they're preparing for EOFY by doing nothing
  13. Here goes another silent day for us........
  14. Funny thing is whenever I'm on some life-changing situation like this, there will be an array of dramas. Same happened for my 489 visa and they changed rules multiple times which then I had to wait almost 2 years to get an invitation. Now, this. Life is full of surprises ? ? ? (thanks to COs)
  15. I think it'll be based on the documents provided and CO's impression on the validity of those documents. What do you think @Russki
  16. oh ok. Maybe a sleeper CO who suddenly woke up ?
  17. Wow, congrats!!!!! great end for the day ? Is this a new CO? Never saw this name before
  18. No point in arguing with them. Ultimately they have the power to make our visa decision & we need this bloody thing asap. So, I think we better submit everything required and things these COs may request even though it not mandatory. So, by doing this there have no other option than granting out PR
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