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Northern Mick

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Everything posted by Northern Mick

  1. Hi. Sorry for the typo in the title of this thread. If a mod could correct it that would be great :-)
  2. Northern Mick

    MG 9212 Edit

    From the album: Hallet Cove

  3. Northern Mick

    Hallet Cove

    Hallet Cove coastline and sunsets
  4. Northern Mick

    MG 9071 Edit

    From the album: Hallet Cove

  5. Hi Guys Some photos of The Adelaide Botanic Gardens taken at the start of Winter a few weeks ago. Some of the flora was tricked into flowering due to the unseasonal warm, sunny weather http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/album.php?albumid=363 http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/album.php?albumid=362
  6. Northern Mick

    Adelaide Botanic Gardens II

    Shot at the start of Winter
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