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Posts posted by Yicker

  1. Hi.


    Thanks for all the replies.


    We're probably going to get our application started round about the end of July as that's when we'll be back from our honeymoon, which happens to be in Oz.


    We'll do some research whilst we're over there to get an idea of what different parts of Adelaide are like and what sort of jobs are available.


    Once again thanks for the info, I'm sure I'll be asking lots more questions.




  2. Hi,


    Hope this doesn't sound too much like a silly question.


    We're planning on emigrating to Adelaide sometime in the next couple of years however we want to start our visa application as soon as possible.


    What were not sure about is, if our visa application is successful do we have to move to Australia straight away or is there a time period within which we have to move over there?




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