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Posts posted by peace_at_heart

  1. 2 minutes ago, Don Family said:

    Not only for students I feel like we are facing this too at times.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    This problem is wide-spread. Its actually caused by all those who are willing to work on cash-in-hand and under-the-table. 

    Let's say I am looking to get paid $24 per hour, if someone walks in willing to work for $12 on cash-in-hand, I will loose the opportunity.

    "Desi" Business people know all this, that's how they exploit the system. I have promised to myself, If i ever end up owning business one day (given that I have been granted PR...lol), I will always pay full and legit wages. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, Marcus said:

    Wait, even if the subclass 489 is still in effect, not the bridging visa? I've lodged my application last April and until now paying private health insurance. I want to get rid of the extra expenses if possible.

    True Marcus, as soon as you apply for 887 visa, you become eligible for Medicare. You need to go to Medicare and Enroll yourself and Family.

    This screenshot is from Medicare Enrollment Form. (https://www.humanservices.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018/08/ms004-180718en-f.pdf)


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  3. 9 hours ago, Russki said:

    This is how the site works:

    1. We start a petition

    2. Petition is shared around and signed by as many supporters as possible

    3. Sometimes a petition gets media coverage. 

    4. Eventually, a decision-maker on our petition makes changes we are asking for (it will be a minister of immigration, at a guess) - but sometimes the petition fails....

    5. We can consider our petition a success if the processing times for 887 are reduced. 

    Seems easy enough, but I am still not quite sure how it all works in reality. Let's try! 🙂 

    so this petition is only going to live in this forum? or we are going to have it on Change.org? or elsewhere? how do we pass it around?

  4. 3 minutes ago, Roja said:

    Do u have their email address. We can either write them individually or one letter n all of us signing on it. Whichever is impactful.




    Hi Roja,

    Yes, here they are.

    Shaynne Neumann - The Shaddow Immigration Minister - Shayne.Neumann.MP@aph.gov.au

    David Coleman - The Immigration Minister - Minister@homeaffairs.gov.au

    Dr. John McVeigh - MP for Groom (I live in this region) - john.mcveigh.mp@aph.gov.au 

    • Thanks 3
  5. Today I have written to my Member Parliament Dr. John McVeigh. I had earlier written to the Immigration Minister David Coleman, got no reply. Let's see how this goes.


    Hello Dr. McVeigh,

    I live in Toowoomba and I am contacting you regarding Visa Processing Delays faced by people alike me.
    I, like many others, migrated to Australia on Skilled Regional Migration Visa subclass 489 in 2016. I had to stay in regional Australia for 2 years and work full time for 1 year. After fulfilling my obligation, I would be granted Subclass 887 Permanent Residency visa. I have fulfilled my two year residency commitment and 1 year full-time work earlier this year, subsequently filed for 887 visa.
    I want to make you aware of delays in the processing. A year ago the delay was 2-3 months but it has now grown to 10-11 months. It can be nightmare if we were planning for another baby or hoping to join University for further education, or get a job which specifically requires Australian Permanent Residents for the job. I love Toowoomba, and my son is set to start prep at the Grammer School in January. Toowoomba has got exactly what I needed as far jobs (I am a Nurse), lifestyle, and kids education goes.
    I believe I have fulfilled my obligations to Regional Australia, paid taxes, contributed to the system, became part of the Australian fabric, but these delays are holding me from achieving much more.
    I believe its the time for the Immigration Department to hire more staff to process files. I hope you will let the Immigration Minister David Coleman know this particular concern affecting your constituents.
    Thank you.
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  6. Hi all,

    Friend of mine is in tricky situation, so need some advice.

    The family moved to Australia on State Sponsored 489 few months back. My friend, male, is secondary applicant, wife is the primary applicant. It turns out that Wife and Kids don't like here much, cannot adjust here well.

    1) Is it possible my friend stays here alone and fullfils 489 requirements and files for 887 as primary applicant? Can he still get PR for himself and Wife and Kids (wife and kids want to move back to India, immediately)

    2) Or My friend stays here and gets his own PR first, and then files his wife and kids's PR?


    Any guidance is appreciated.


  7. Hey all. I wrote to David Coleman, the Immigration Minister today. Minister@homeaffairs.gov.au


    Hi David,

    I heard you on SBS today. I thought I should contact you.
    I, like many others, migrated to Australia on regional migration visa 489 in 2016. I had to stay in regional Australia for 2 years and work full time for 1 year. After fulfilling my obligation, I would be granted Subclass 887 Permanent Residency visa. 
    I want to make you aware of delays in the processing. We are looking at 10-11 months, which can be nightmare if we were planning for another baby or hoping to join University for further education, or get a job which specifically requires Australian Permanent Residents for the job. I love regional Australia (Toowoomba in South-East Queensland where I live) and its got exactly I needed as far jobs, lifestyle, and kids education goes.
    I believe I have fulfilled my obligations to Regional Australia, paid taxes, contributed to the system, became part of the Australian fabric, but these delays are holding me from achieving much more.
     I believe you will look into this issue and address this timely manner by hiring more staff to process 489 to 887 transfers in expedite manner.
    Thank you.


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  8. 1 minute ago, James said:

    Hi guys is the 5 year rule implemented cause didnt hear in news and will itbe for existing 489s

    Keep Calm. They will never implement anything in retro. Imagine a guy who came here 4.5 years ago on 489, became PR, has filed for Citizenship as well. It will be too much of mess for such people.

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  9. 36 minutes ago, Angos said:

    Tricking us !!!!! ?

    It depends on person to person, and regional area to regional area as well. In my case, I am in regional area in South-East Queensland, near to Brisbane. I simply love here. We have got Uni here, awesome private schools, plenty of hospitals, plenty of Nursing jobs (my profession), and husband has stable IT job as well. I have been to Brisbane & Sydney, I find those places very crowded.

    I am not planning to move anywhere even when my PR is granted.

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