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Everything posted by Navdeep047

  1. Just got a call from my agent saying the same thing. Hope all of us will get PR very soon now.
  2. Hi guys... i need some advice. If a person living in Victoria has to make statutory declaration for a Queensland. What form do we need to use. I have lived with one of friends when i first cane to Australia in Qld, but they have moved to melbourne now. So how do i get the statutory declaration for that. Do we use Qld form or Victorian?? Or can we use the commonwealth statitory declaration act 1959 form..
  3. Hi guys...just need a little help here. When applying for AFP , do i need to provide all the pages of passport or just front and back.
  4. Congratulations to everyone who got their grants. I guess i should have a good look at our account and see if i need to submit any additional documents or renew any . Hopefully they will keep going on this pace and get to August real quick..
  5. Its 4.5 bands in IELTS to Functional english. And the previous one that you gave is expired as it is only valid for 2 years. So you have to provide a new one.
  6. Yup.... we applied fir Bridging B to travel to India in October 2018 and got a 3 month visa from 24 oct to 24 jan. Ot just took us 3 or 4 working days to get that. Just written the reason as family functions and cousin's marraige.
  7. Please add me to the excel sheet... applied 24th August 2018 and no contact so far ..LOL
  8. Hi everyone....just a quick question. Now that we have got our medicare card on Bridging Visa...can we stop paying for the private health insurance. We have had that through out 489 visa. Or it is still necessary to get private health insurance? Thanks
  9. Hi there... you might have gotten your visa Bridging B by now. But just in case you are waiting, it took is 3 working days. And this visa is effective from the day its granted.
  10. Yes.... i have talked to my the same consultant who applied for my 489. He told me that you have to comply the conditions on your current visa. But he also told me that no one from immigration can give you in this writing since there are no written guidelines to follow in these cases. No officer would take the responsibility and tell you to move to metro areas.
  11. Hi... We have the same case. Our 489 is expired and we are on Bridging visa A which clearly states that no restrictions. So, going by this we will move to metro area in Feb because thats when our lease expires. I am sooo ready to take this risk. I am assuming that if the documents related work and residency are not valid after the 887 visa application submission date . Why would it make a difference if we move to metro on Bridging Visa which has no restrictions. But the applicants whose 489 is still valid while 887 processing should not take this risk. Beacuse their valid visa still has restrictions. 887 visa processing during 489 validity and 887 processing on a bridging visa should be seen as different cases.
  12. Yeah....i hope he gets his visa soon. I told him about the call. He is was alright but i am really stressed because i don't want to be the reason for somone not getting his visa..?
  13. Hi guys, Just wanted to ask you a question. As our 489 visa expired on 25th august 2018 amd now we are on bridging A Visa which states no work conditions. So can my husband, as a secondary applicant work in the metro region. Or we are still bound to stay in regional areas till the grant. Thanks
  14. Abbott in February advocated a target of 110,000 migrants a year, down from 190,000, prompting Morrison to say at the time: “If you cut the level of permanent immigration to Australia by 80,000, that would cost the budget, that would hit the bottom line, the deficit, by $4bn to $5bn over the next four years. “If you did what Tony Abbott suggests, then you would only reduce the proportion that was skilled migration and you’d have a bigger proportion which was family migration – which ultimately gets more dependent on welfare.” https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jul/15/peter-dutton-contradicts-morrison-and-says-migrant-cut-positive-for-the-economy From this article, i want to believe that Morrison would be fine as well.
  15. Just for fun...i went back to the very first page of this discussion. People at that time were worried that they haven't got the grants in 2 months after lodging their files.?
  16. And guys just need an advice. I think we have lost our marraige certificate. Can we still apply today and submit it later on????
  17. Hi Freddy...i dnt think it will make any difference. I went back to India for 9 months in 2015 and 2016. But my agent told me that its not a problem. Just need a total of 2 years.
  18. Hi HSK.... well this 887 Elephant's tail seem to a bit long.....and its growing...
  19. Hi mate.... i know but i feel like we are hanging by the neck till the time i see our 887 grant.... ?
  20. Me and my husband are applying on 24th as our visa is expiring on 25 th August. If they keep on increasing processing time like this, l am afraid how long we have to wait...
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