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Everything posted by George

  1. HI @Romzr I don't recall another case like yours in this forum, hence, it's just a guess: She was in breach of the 887 conditions for at least 6 months. They normally understand that 3 months is normal to organise the new life. You may get over this with a good explanation. But as @Vinh said, it's risky. It's not clear in your message for how long she was in Sydney since you got the 489. She moved 6 months after you, but how long did you take to move? (you will need to give a good explanation for the total time in Sydney)
  2. Someone has added one cell in the 'name' column (instead of adding a line). Shifting everyone to the wrong date We need to identify where this cell was added (a reckon it has a few lines above my name), delete the cell and insert a entire line). If someone below that line has already fixed the date, they will need to do again. Anoher solution is recover an old version (i think google docs keeps them) and then update the recent changes/grants. (save a copy of the current version just in case) I don't have write/edit access to file...
  3. Medical done as part of the 489. She came to Oz with a few months old. Good luck, the queue is going fast, you will have your pr soon.
  4. FINALLY TODAY IS MY DAY! Applied on 19-april-18 AFP renewed a few weeks ago. Direct grant: 31-may Co. Wilson Family of 4. Kids 6 and 3 yo Perfect news for celebrations during entire weekend. Thanks everyone in this amazing forum and the best luck for everyone in the queue.
  5. WTF is happening??? I've been away for a couple of days and this forum changed completely! @Russki got a PR???? What???? That's so amazing! It's obvious she was holding the queue...lol (just kidding Russki). 4 grants or contacts today, 6 yesterday. The spreadsheet has 40+ contacts grants last month, 50+ this month. Considering this forums represents just a small portion of the applications, they are issuing 300+ 887s a month!!! It's raining grant, hallelujah, it's raining grant......
  6. But your bridging will be effective only if your 489 expires. While your 489 is valid, you cannot move to a non regional city. Enter in VEVO and see the conditions yourself. (will not change)
  7. Congrats to all new permanent residents. It's nice to know the queue is move...slowly though. Question for those got direct grant AFTER one year of the application. Have you updated your partner's proof of functional English? What was the proof you first submitted? (english exam or other thing like school/degree in english, declarations etc?) Thanks all.
  8. Your case is joke...a bad joke I'm amazed how you keep such a positive attitude, but also explore alternatives (like a court case). Then find time to help here. You're a perfect balance between being proactive and being cool/optimistic. You're a superstar
  9. I'd understand some applications taking longer than others to be assessed. Security reasons and access to information are important. Immigration department may have some agreements with some countries where they can access citizens' information easily. Shared data-base. If they don't have it, they need to contact the other country, request and wait for information. Delaying the process. So, I understand different processing time, however, the order to pick the files shouldn't be related with the nationality.
  10. I heard yesterday about a Italian guy, he applied to 887 in March 2018 and got his PR March 2019 (last month). Not a direct grant though. Clearly they don't follow the queue. I'll get more details to share.
  11. I'm on board for the fashmob this weekend. I have never done any complaint with the Immigration depto, but the Ombudsman allows you to proceed anyway. (just tested). You just need to provide an explanation why you haven't done it.
  12. You're a legend. I believe this $7k is mostly related with the solicitor/lawyer fees (plus accountants and other specialists to build up the case). The court fees are not that high. Can you confirm this with the lawyer? If the $7k is mostly for the lawyer team, we shall have a reduction per person if we have several applicants under the same claim. Discuss with him the possibility to increase his/her success fee and reduce the initial cost. (They can keep 100% of what he/she recuperates in excess of the the $7k) If I can have 100% guarantee my 887 will be granted in one month, I pay the $7k now (not saying I have it spare, but it's a valid sacrifice).
  13. It's nice all initiatives (tweet, FB, media etc) to put pressure on them, but I reckon it will make few or nil effect. We have 2 options, sit and wait or a class action. A lawsuit against them, moved by the group, to repair the damages caused by their negligence. The main argument is; we made our decision to immigrate to Australia based on a set of conditions informed by the government at that time (2-3 years ago). They are not compliant with their side of the agreement which is causing pain, stress and financial problems. I have no intention to receive any financial compensation for it, but a real court case in a Federal court will put real pressure on them. We made a deal with Australian government 2-3 years ago, they need to honor their part. It's easy for us to demonstrate the extra cost we are incurring due their delay. Again, I don't care about receiving anything back, it's just to put pressure on the most sensitive organ of the human body, the pockets. There is a risk. They may say; 'ok, you want us to assess your application? fine, we reject all. finished'. But this risk is also present when we put pressure through media etc.... Opinions???
  14. That's was really cool @toot. (your poem). That is everyone's lives. @Russki, you're a legend.
  15. Really? Guaranteed? I'd like to have this confidence. If the only two things they're concerned with are: live and work in the regional, how you'd explain requests like: AFP (sometimes more than once) Passport of NO migrating partner Police check from every other country Your travel history for the last 10 years Partner IELTS Baby medicals Home address of ex-partner for the last 10 years The list of odd requests goes on and on. It seems that people here want to hear ONLY good news. I post real situations, data from the website, real letter and people call me a hoax. @Harisis saying things without any support, just based on his will and that's ok. It's ok because it's good 'news'. I'll respect your desire the close your eyes to any bad news. If it's what you want, it's what I'll do. I'll not raise any issues anymore, just flowers now.... There is no worse blind man than the one who doesn’t want to see
  16. OK fellas. So we don't have an 887 grant since November 2018 and everything is just fine. Nothing has changed..... I know people have been granted their PR without working in their nominated occupation. I never said otherwise. I am just pointing out that some of us may have this requirement in their invitation letter and CHANGES are coming. It's happening now. You can close your eyes, call me a hoax and ignore the facts, or you can be prepared, think about alternatives and act. It's up to you! My intentions are good, even though the news sometimes is not nice. Honestly, saying the new website applies only to new applicants makes the whole sense. But we all know there is no guarantee!!! They can find some loophole and use it to do whatever they want. I am just saying: OPEN your eyes, do things 110% right from now on. The past is the past. Agents tend to rely on their past experience and oversee the changes! Take care folks! Lastly. I never posted one rumour here. I have posted my own real invitations letter and official website snapshots. Don't call me names because you're frustrated and anxious.
  17. My 489 was in 2016. I've always been 100% sure I had work in my nominated profession. But it may be because this condition is in my invitation letter. It's not new for me but it's clear that is new for most of people here (because it was not in their letter). So it would be extremely unfair if they enforce this now. But maybe, just maybe, this information was on the website back in 2015/2016 but it was not clear or evident. I don't know.
  18. Second paragraph: 'Migrants...must work in an occupation listed...' I know they are not enforcing this so far. Hopefully it will remain like this. But we must agree that a skilled immigration program targets our skills. If you are not using the skills the government sponsored you for, the program is not working. (not saying it's our fault)
  19. if you prefer: 489 is a skilled visa.....then.... If you don't believe, the link is here: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/what-we-do/regional-migration-initiative/regional-migration-news/visa-options Really sorry if this conversation is making you anxious. It's not my intention. I want to understand what is happening with the visa processing time (purpose of this forum) and one idea is a more restrictive assessment. I hope I'm wrong.
  20. Sure @Jeff24. I didn't imagine the requirements could be that different! Thanks for showing me this!!!!!
  21. I see mate. But I'm referring to the invitation letter. The letter the state sent to you before you apply to the 489.
  22. Agree, it's not a fair requirement. They may say you should have checked jobs availability before accepting the conditions. Which makes sense for me. I think that knowing it's hard to find a job in your area, the COs have been lenient with this requirement. For how long????
  23. I challenge you to take a print screen of your invitation letter and prove I'm wrong. Show where they say: 'If an immigrant on a sc489 cannot find a job relating to their profession then they can consider alternative employment until their circumstances change'. (maybe only my invitation letter is like this...lol) I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong if you can substantiate your claim.
  24. That is an actual snipping from my invitation letter. It may differ from yours, but I believe it's quite standard....must be in your skilled occupation (otherwise the visa won't make sense) Furthermore, in my case, I had to live and work for 2 years. (The 887 requirement is 1 year of work only, but my commitment has 2 years). Those kind of loophole I reckon they will start using to reject visas.....(hopefully not...)
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