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nirmal warring

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  1. on my partner's grant notice, it says following: 8539 - MUST STAY IN SPECIFIED AREA
  2. Hi Bro I am dependent as i have no work condition as per my visa. i also called twice immi when i moved to austalia and they said the same thing. Although canberra is a regional too but main applicant (wife) is working in desginated area as per her visa condition. Thanks
  3. Hi Guys I am new here.As i am dependent on 489 and my visa condition says"Nil" as my partner's condition is" she must live and work in regional. We both live in regional (queanbeyan (NSW) 5km from Canberra ACT) but i work in Canberra. I know that she will be a main applicant for 887 in November. will my work in different state have any impact on the application. Moreover my wifes employer provided accommodation and utility bills as we live in motel on site. but on her group certificate never has any info about these living benefits .does anyone have any idea about fringe benefit tax? Thanks JT
  4. Thanks Russki Yes she have payslips, group certificate etc. She will get supporting letter from her employer regarding residence.Can you guys tell ,do i need to provide Ielts again as I provide the time of 489 visa and it expires in Jan 2019. Thanks
  5. Hi Guys We are about to complete our 2 years in October .As my wife is main applicant so she works full time in a Motel and we live on site and All the expenses covered in her job like accommodation, power and internet.So we dont have much residential proofs except bank letters and mobile bills and couple o rego letters. Would it be any issue as we cant have rental agreement and other bills because its provided by her employer. Thanks Jatin
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