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Everything posted by kV-IsMyShortName

  1. Wow!! Sophorn seems to be on a roll, may be he/she won a lottery congrats everyone who received their grants today! It's partaaaaaay time mates!
  2. There certainly seems to be a painful update, ain't it? If I reflect back to what I did, I submitted all of the above except for the Form 1221, which is a real headache. I suggest everyone to submit all supportive documents, however how slim they might seem to relate, i.e. Employment Contract on top of the collection of Salary Slips, attaching Marriage Certificate on your spouse's document upload segment, joint bank accounts/ utility statements, any other bills on your spouse's name will greatly help your chance for a direct grant even if they have not explicitly asked for them. Best of luck to everyone who is waiting, I'm rooting for the fighting spirits in all of you!
  3. Thank you very much for all the wishes guys!!! I am over the moon. I wish our petition has actually made some reaching out and the process gets faster so you all will be released from your unnecessary waiting game. Wish you all nothing but the BEST of the BEST!
  4. Okay so here's my checklist, nothing out of ordinary than what you'll have already seen. I strictly followed what they have requested and their tooltip on each of them: - Proof of residency: I arranged my bank statements, rego notices and also lease agreements in a way to cover up each time period. I.e. X1 bank statement - Nov15 to Jan16, X2 bank statement- Feb16 to Apr16, Y lease doc - Apr16 to Apr17 etc. I lived only at 2 places during this period so might have eased my cause too - Proof of employment: I started working full time from Jul16 so I did have pay slips collected each month for about 18 months. I collated all of them onto a single PDF for decluttering. Also inclded my PAYG notices and employment contracts - Proof of identity: Passport, Birth certificate original certified and a translated copy, driving licence, medicare, bank cards - Overseas police clearance, AFP check - Photographs - Marriage certificate original certified and a translated copy - Same set of documents for my wife + IELTS for her - Form80 I double, triple, quadruple checked it. Please do it guys, it saves a lot of your time and hassle if you provide correct answers at the first go itself. Ask any question here if you aren't sure of any question there - I also made multiple errors at different times like entering my parents and siblings into application, and I promptly submitted Form 1023 through the portal itself. I also informed them my change of conditions like changes of address, change of passport immediately through Form 1022 the same way. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
  5. Some of the records seems to have disappeared and that looks like not because of a filter?? How about we rollback to a previously stable version?
  6. Thank you very much @Angos and @Tpsk :) . Good things come along at a time when you least expect them I will share the list of documents I submitted tonight
  7. Hi Guys, The date is 24th October and the time is 11.29am. My fingers are still shaking as I type this, my wife and I got our DIRECT GRANTS and I am being relieved of the waiting game!!!!!! I now feel how much of a relief that feels to be on this side, but I am sure all yours are not that far away.. Especially for @Russki, @Honey, @tpsk and everyone else.. It's so happy have got to known a bunch like you. Wish you all good luck and I will still hang around here to answer questions on the forum as per my knowledge. Applied: 06/02/2018 Direct Grant: 24/10/2018 CO Adam GOOD LUCK!!!!
  8. Thanks @Russki. $120 a fortnight sounds terrible, hope you get your grant very very, very soon. So we could invest the money we're losing over being half-recognised residents onto something that really reap us benefits
  9. Yes you can. But as a risk averse move, I've still kept my private insurance for some reason because at the back of my mind, I ring a bell with someone mentioning the immigration checks for your private health cover so I reluctantly keep paying $100s.. anybody got rid of the private health cover?? Is that okay to do so?@russki@tpsk? Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
  10. BVB comes immediately. I applied for one when I wanted to travel after applying for 887, and I received BVB grant notice by the end of the day.
  11. 489 Family Sponsored does not warrant stringent conditions like its sibling 489 Regional Sponsored. Adhering to designated areas as in https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2016L00777 would suffice. So in the application, Regional is almost as same as Designated it's just the more widely used wording.
  12. Just curious, are you referring to any friend(s) in NT? Is there any difference on processing timelines of citizenship applications based on the state you are from? Just heard a friend's friend getting a citizenship grant (possibly) with only a '4-month' waiting period.. I was taken by absolute surprise!
  13. WOW! It looks like we are actually making some noise out there, which is amazing. 421 people have signed by this moment, and several of you have received responses from Ministerial offices and local MPs, which means they definitely know about this issue and it will need some sort of addressing in near future. Way to go everyone!
  14. @Raed, you make a valid point mate. But elsewhere on this forum I have seen someone asking a same/similar question and was advised better to stick to the originally set conditions until your visa has been granted. I am not sure what the consequences will be in case they deem it to be breach of visa conditions. Considering everything, it looks like a pretty grey area so it would be best if you confirm with the Immigration themselves. Specifically mention to them the condition 8539, because there is 8549 for 489 Family Sponsored stream which has much lighter conditions. Cheers!
  15. Just signed. Superbly articulated @Russki. We never know how/if ever/when they will consider this, but it's always worth the try. I've heard Bill Shorten raising voice for issues related with Immigration and migrants, might be worth directing at him too since he is the current Leader of the Opposition. Cheers!
  16. @Jeet & @Ata Congratulations mates! Enjoy your freedom
  17. Thank you very much Ranju. That looks like a pretty hefty rate though
  18. This is absolutely disheartening to say the least! I know our venting out here wouldn't do much, but as @Russki suggested I'm ready to sign for the petition too if that at least has a slightest chance to speed things up. 489 in reality is more like a limbo visa you are neither here nor there. You pay tax like a resident, but you are considered an outsider for other entitlements. So the reality is we all as proven skilled assets to this country is missing out on a lot of things on offer. On a different note, can I know if anyone here did apply for an auto loan and got accepted while you have less than 1 year validity remaining on 489 or while you were in the bridging visa? If so, the institution please. This is for my own research. Thank you in advance.
  19. Nothing yet mate.. just on the roll of the waiting game
  20. Seems like we've had a 2nd timer grant yesterday. @Toni is that you?
  21. Someone keeps removing the header columns, I keep reverting it to fix it, but doesn't seem to digest to that 'someone'!
  22. Someone seems to have removed/hidden the tracker's header columns.. Can any senior member fix/restore this? @Russki?
  23. That's definitely some good vibes. You will be in line next. They seem to clear up all the backlog
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