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Everything posted by Voon

  1. Yes, is actually 29/10/2018, my mistake. Did not expect to get it today, maybe is because of an automated email that sent through. FYI, I got a direct grant.
  2. Hi everyone, I just received my grant on 12/01/2020. I am a single applicant and applied on 29/10/2019. The CO is Rajani. Thanks everyone in this forum for helping out. Good luck to people who are still waiting, don't lose hope.
  3. Hopefully they will understand. My bank statement has all my daily expenses on it. Finger crossed.
  4. Thank you so much. I will upload the documents. The problem is the health insurance do not include any residency address on the bill.
  5. Hi everyone, I just wondering, bank statements and health insurance bill, is it alright to proof 2 years of residency? The reason I asked because I am staying with sister. So I do not have rental bill and I am using prepaid phone bill. Thanks.
  6. Thanks Maxzone for providing the information. However, do you know what is their email address? Thanks again.
  7. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum. I have just applied visa 887 on 29/10/18. Definitely, I will need to wait for quite a while. However, I have question regarding to leaving Australia for holiday (approx. 3 weeks) and my visa 489 is still active. Am I allow to do so? Thank you so much.
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