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Status Updates posted by ajford

  1. Hi rob,

    What age,weight does the seat take up to.

    Cheers Andrew

  2. Hello Mick hope your not working to hard, I need to buy a cheap small engine automatic car to learn to drive in. I would like to spend less than or around 3000 dollars, need some thing reliable to practice in. I got my L s last week.

    if you here of anything would you let us know, I have had a look on line and seen a couple but they were miles away- Lisa said to ask you,cheers for reference on the rental.

    Got to go back to work

    Thanks again



  3. Hi Tamara,


    and thankyou, as soon as we hear anything I will let you know, I will use your other email you have given me,





  4. Hi Tamara


    (Part 2) Sorry I ran out of room,as i do go on.


    If there isnt not to worry, you have some really nice places by the way- would have contacted you sooner however i thought all was booked up,must have looked at it wrong and at the time we were still waiting for Our now buyers to pull there fingers out.

    sorry to go on just panicing slightly , I know how busy you are,



    Thanks greatly for your time


    Andrew Ford (ajford)

  5. Hi Tamara,


    My name is Andrew and I am coming to Adelaide with my family hopefully the first week of August 2011, We are at the moment we have sold our house, the survey has been done and the land searches are meant to be back anytime this week. we are going to ppush for completion at the End of this month (as the buyers have messed us around for the first 5 weeks of the sale).

    If Hoops Place, Christies Beach is still available (2/3rd August until 18th we would want longer but you are booked up the back end of august) when we get our completion date.

    Would there be any chance of booking the place with you, I have read your condition regarding booking in advanced however I thought I would ask just so i would know really if anything could be done.

    (to be cont....)


    Andrew Ford(ajford)

  6. Sorry for contacting you my mistake -i have just re read the thread- i will try and contact the person you inputted-


    sorry again

  7. Hi,

    Hope the move went ok, We are hopefullyt moving over to Adelaide first week in August- Is it possible to have contact details for the property you have left as we might be intrested in it. I dont know if i have missed them on thread.,sorry if we have.


    My email address is andrewjognfordy@hotmail.com we would be wanting a long term rent possible for upto 2 years.


    Thanks for your time and any help you may be able to give us, all the best


    Andrew& Lisa

  8. Thankyou,


    We got the magic phone call this afternoon well around 1730hrs, been stressing over the last few days,

    We didnt realise at first we had a case officer-stupid us-it was nt until i read the email again after reading the attachments regarding the police checks etc.


    Fingers crossed for you ,,

    Our police checks were back in just under two weeks-pre warn you if you havent all ready ymake sure you have got some spare Passport pictures you will need them for your checks and the meds


    cheers for your reply

    Andrew and Lisa

  9. Hi Jules,


    The visa is going ok now things are rolling-in the early i wasnt too sure due to the skills list being changed then the visa applicaton shut downs-

    However since getting the state sponsorship things have moved really well and quickly-

    Just waiting for the medical results now-


    Hows your s going?

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