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Everything posted by Bern83

  1. Yes, we were asked for our kid's medicals and received HAP ID on that date. Other people get other requests and on the forum it is called being contacted by a case officer.
  2. Simmie applied 3 April 2018 and was contacted 5 June 2019. I applied 4 April 2018 and was also contacted 5 June 2019.
  3. Hi Simmie, I'm good, how are you? No news on my side. I called the complaints number about two weeks ago, but they said we are still within processing time. Guess we'll have to wait another two weeks or so...
  4. Hi Adam, The GP letter is for a baby under 6 months. My son was born on our 489 visa here in a public hospital and is over 2 years old now, we were asked for his full medical, which is done by Bupa. The CO needs to generate a HAP number before that can be done and medicals are usually the last thing they ask for, as the validity period is only for 1 year. This is just from my experience and others on the forum.
  5. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  6. Congratulations on your grant, now you can start enjoying your new life!
  7. Congratulations on your grant and enjoy your new life!
  8. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life! May I ask, did you call the global feedback unit or just the regular immi number?
  9. Congratulations on your grant and enjoy your new life!
  10. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  11. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  12. Applied 4 April 2018, contacted 5 June 2019 for kid's medical, which was done on the same day and cleared 10 June 2019. Still waiting...
  13. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  14. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  15. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
  16. Katie, I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations and enjoy your new life!!! Now you won't need to drink wine to take the stress off, BUT you ABSOLUTELY need to in celebration!!!
  17. Yes, hopefully they will remember us older ones first Katie! Still keeping you in my prayers and I know you have been waiting even longer than I have!!!
  18. Happy birthday and congratulations on your grant!
  19. Congratulations on your grant! Eventually you can start enjoying your new life!!
  20. I love your positivity Simmie!!! We need to keep faith and pray for all of us!!! We will be posting our grants very soon, I truly believe that!
  21. The reason why Tt2 complained was that they were asked for kids medicals and their children had medicals done for 489 visa, they didn't complain about the time taken to process their visa. They requested for my child's medical on 05 June 2019 and I applied 04 April 2018, I haven't sent in a complaint. Not sure if it would help you to complain as they requested something from you for a valid reason e.g. expired passport.
  22. Hi @Simmie I have no update and you? Did you hear anything yet?
  23. I had two addresses and this is the way that I have done it, each address under it's own attachment. Also remember that an attachment needs to be of certain quality and under a certain size, so if you do too many documents together you either compromise on the quality or the size could be too large.
  24. Congratulations on your grant! Enjoy your new life!
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