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Everything posted by Junaid

  1. Thanks Mirza for replying at least my stress is less now, anyone had same experience?
  2. Hi there, I applied 887 couple of months ago, had a question in my mind if someone could clear please, I travelled overseas after one year of moved to regional area for a period of 2 weeks, Does that mean I have to live 2 weeks extra in regional before applying 887? As I already applied and confused . Please someone give me advice. thanks
  3. Congratulations everyone who got their grants,, I want admin to add myself on checklist as I applied 887.visa on 1/04/2019 living in Victoria. thanks
  4. congratulations everyone who received their grants.
  5. Congrats @Russki for getting the grant,have a happy life ahead and congratulations to everyone who got their visas Thanks
  6. Sorry that was posted in reply to AKIE who asked to add his partner in 887 visa application while she doesn't hold 489 visa, it's my bad could not clearify and jumped over RUSKEE's conversation Sorry guys
  7. And I would like to add that To be eligible for 887 visa application someone need to hold 489 or other eligible visas so this is definitely not possible and I suggest to get in writing with that MARA agent and definitely he won't do that Thanks
  8. Print out any electronic document which you need to certify and write with blue pen "this is the true electronic copy of document and write your name, passport number and sign and get a copy of that and take it to jp for certification, I was told by one of a jp while I applied for 489 visa and needed certification for electronic documents. Thanks
  9. Good evening I am preparing my 887 visa application and click the submit button on 1st April, don't want to get fool that's why just need to double check with some 887 experts here, On visa application it ask for travelling for last 10 years, my query is do I and my wife need to fill every travel history as we do in form80 ? As almost we have travelled overseas 7 times but home country only Thanks
  10. Hi everyone I am nearly about to apply for 887 visa, just need to ask few questions as I am the primary applicant and travelled overseas for a month in 2 years time and my wife travelled for 6 months almost, are we both eligible at the same time? And I got leased papers on 1/4/2017 so can I apply my 887 on 31st March or should be on 1st April? How to apply medicare after applying? Thanks all
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