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  1. Finally, I received my grant today. Applied on 21/11/2019 family of 4. CO Theresa from QLD. It is direct grant. Thank very one who always answered my queries. All the best to everyone
  2. Thank Sunny. Can you let me know in immi account where can I upload those document for functional English for main application? Thanks.
  3. Congratulations! Enjoy your freedom. Could you please share with me where can we upload the main application English or certificate?
  4. Congratulations! Can you let me know under which category you uploaded your degree? Is it under ‘other documents’ ? Thanks.
  5. Where should we upload this documents in our immi account? Because in primary application there is no English requirement section. Thanks
  6. Hi Victor, this is what I found on 887 requirement. Fictional English is required for all dependents age above 18 but nothing about main application of 887. You should call to them and quoted about their English requirement for 887.
  7. Thank you so much for your prompt respond. Enjoy your freedom mate!
  8. Hi Nudgee, can you guide me how to upload updated documents? For example, PCC. Should I upload the same place where I uploaded the first one. Thank in advance.
  9. Will it affect negatively on the processing?
  10. Thanks. I just would like to know what’s information should be mentioned in that stat dec. should we just mention that we live in a share house with Mr/Ms from this date to that date and both of us sign?. Thank in advance for your respond.
  11. Dear Prabo, would you mind sharing the template of shared house stat dec. thank in advance.
  12. Congratulations Kazi. I would like to know whether you submitted the same documents to C.O or just sent them email that the required docs have been uploaded when you lodged for visa? Thanks.
  13. Hi, did you supply these documents when you lodged your visa? If yes, Why they asked them again?
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