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Everything posted by KMMC

  1. Just noticed I was added to the tracker a while back (Feb), but my home country is wrong - it says India, but I am from South Africa. Can’t seem to change that, can someone assist?
  2. We are about 13 months away from the end of our 489, will definitely be going onto bridging visa... but we now have a need to buy a car, but would like something reliable, so will need to get finance. Wondering what the finance options are at this stage? Anyone got some advice? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. I officially joined you all in the waiting room today. application submitted - finally!
  4. I know this has been asked a million times, but... I think this question is slightly different. We have all the right evidence of living regionally - rent agreements, utilities, bank statements, super, tax, phone bills, rego certificates, etc. BUT I am the main applicant and some of that evidence is in my partners name. Specifically 1 out of 3 rental agreements, all utilities (gas and electricity) are in his name only because he arrived here before me. They do reflect the correct addresses for the period, all other evidence shows we live together. We have been married for more than 20 years. Do we just do a stat dec to support saying we live together and this is how we have split out our finances?
  5. Hi is there anyone here with adult children that were included in their 887 application? Any tips on evidence of dependence for an adult child? I have been told it’s not actually an issue to worry about because of an exception for the 489/887? I have 1 child over 18 studying at Tafe and another still at school who will turn 18 while the visa is being decided.
  6. Hello, I have been a follower of the group as we are preparing for our 887 application in the coming months. I have some questions, I was hoping to get some opinions on, if that’s okay? I was the primary applicant for the 489, but my husband arrived 2 months before I did, so he will meet the 2 years in October, whereas I will only meet it in December. So he will be the main applicant for the 887 now. We both have well more than 12 months working, so that part isn’t at all an issue for either of us. When he arrived, he stayed a few days at an Airbnb while he was looking for accommodation. The owner of the Airbnb then offered him to stay on until he found a rental, it was paid cash and not done by invoice via Airbnb, so for 3 weeks he doesn’t have an invoice BUT we do have the following for those 3 weeks: - he arrived directly into Adelaide on an international flight, so it was the port of entry, we can submit flight details. - bank statement showing +\- 5 transactions in Adelaide area during that 3 weeks (includes a vehicle purchase and rental deposit) - he bought a car and we have the papers for that car purchase - he paid the deposit for our rental and signed the lease in that time (date shows on bank statement, lease agreement and rental ledger) - he rode his bicycle, and has Strava records (geotags) of all his rides during that time (we were thinking of taking screenshots of all the rides and providing the login details?). - he applied for an ABN and TFN with Adelaide address. - got his drivers license issued in Adelaide We were thinking that all these bits and pieces, plus if we could do a stat dec saying he stayed on with that Airbnb host for 3 weeks, would that be enough evidence for that first month or should we wait until the time he moved into our rental in early November, meaning we only apply in November? We do not have any contact with the Airbnb host so we can’t get a stat dec from them. From November, we have all the usual stuff like lease, rental ledger, utilities, mobile contracts, bank statements, rego, etc as proof.
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