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  1. WOW.. Congrats @Russki It was truly amazing to see your grant which was something we have all been waiting for. We can finally rest knowing you got what you deserve. Enjoy the freedom...
  2. I'm in Melbourne. Applied through an agent and never made a call or inquiry about the application. Because I personally believed that they might take more time if we contact them. But that just an assumption.
  3. Hi Everyone, I was a silent follower all this time. I just wanted to share this with you because all this time I was in the same situation as you guys not knowing what will happen. I got my direct grant yesterday, Applied: 23rd Feb 2018 Subclass: 489 Family Sponsored Direct Grant: 17th April 2019 CO: Nicci My application was not a straightforward case. We had our daughter when we were on 489 and my wife went back to our home country to deliver her. Then I applied 489 separately for her and finally we were back in AUS. So when I saw the requests made by CO's I thought that they will definitely ask for the daughter's medicals or stat declarations or something. But against all odds we got a direct grant. So patience definitely pays off and it's not always the worst as we think it is. I wish everyone all the best and hope you will get your grant soon, especially those who have been patiently waiting for a long time. And I thank all of you for being a part of this amazing forum and @Russki you have been such an awesome positive and supportive person and I can't thank you enough for being a hope for everyone. I will still stay around to see your grant..
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