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Everything posted by jodipodi

  1. jodipodi


    Hi to all!! Just to introduce ourselves, Im Jodi and there's my hubby Lee and our two kids Ricci and Cody. Im a nail technician but retraining in the hope of becoming a Midwife and Lee is a Community Worker. We have wanted to make the move to Oz for as long as I can remember but never thought we could actually 'do it' realistically until about a year ago when I started researching properly and now think we can do it, though it will take a lot of planning and a bit of patience. We had a good dig around and have decided that Adelaide is the place for us, we are a real close-knit family and like the simple life, we like nothing better than just getting out and spending time together not doing anything in particular but we do love the beach lifestyle and are used to being within 20 mins drive from the coast which is where we spend alot of our time. We are considering a visit in april 2012 for a month and have looked at a few areas but any advice would be great- Aldinga, Hallet Cove, Willunga, Christies Beach, Aberfoyle?? Any tips for our 'try it out' trip (think you's call it a reccie?) such as 'must do's' and places to take the kids (10 and 7) or advice on things such as jobs/suburbs etc etc is always appreciated xxxx
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