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Everything posted by empie

  1. Hi guys, we got the direct grant today! Applied date: 16/09/2018 Granted: 13/12/2019 CO Adam Family of 2 Thank you so much for everyone in the forum, sharing their experiences, thoughts and suggestions! really appreciate all of your kind help. I wish all of you to get your grant as soon as possible! Cheers!
  2. Congratulations mate, can imagine how painful the waiting is this long, happy to hear the good news, all the best! enjoy! may everyone applied earlier get their grants faster, that's all our wish..!! Cheers!!
  3. I see so many people in between granted and more detail requested rows in spreadsheet. Worried why? is it because they are waiting for final result to update everything? or ignore updating? or being rejected ? or Dept. really have ignored them and jumped to far ahead weeks/months? Sad about them, and Wish them all the best of luck if they are being delayed.
  4. Guys, Good news! processing time has come down from 23 months to 19 - 20 months as of now! let's hope it'll go down further! https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-regional-887
  5. Wow, Congrats! Happy because someone was lucky..
  6. Nearly a week without grants?? I hope number of 489 applicants going down every month?. Should it not help processing more applications, quicker. seems it's happening otherwise?? Sad!
  7. I don't know which page shows you this.. please put a public link if you have any please, but for me it's still showing 21-23 months here at 5.40 PM 5th Nov 2019,
  8. Yes, They post new ones and ask you to discard the old ones. No need to apply again.
  9. Desperately waiting, life is paused for year+ sadly
  10. All the best buddy, surely golden mail will arrive anytime soon.
  11. Dear friends, we're on bridge visa, and want to sponsor parents for a 2-3 weeks visit, is it possible?
  12. Seems grants have gone very low again.., school holidays I hope,.. stressful waiting,..! let's hope they will grant our new lives soon.. chill!!
  13. So unfair having to keep renewing everything, great if they could inform us when we need to apply for AFP, etc. (may be 8 months,1 year later after application date) as there seems to be a definite delay. Sad to see, only few grants this week, wish everybody luck..!!
  14. Wow.. nice congratulations buddy!! Did you have to submit your country's Police clearance as well? Some people are being asked for their home country's police clearance again? I know that we have to renew AFP every 12 months.
  15. So happy to see several grants today..!!
  16. I don't know why this keeps getting delayed A week back it was 16-17 months. So sad
  17. Too sad 887 visa processing time is getting delayed, now at 18 months processing time.
  18. When we submitted our application for 887 (from 489) on 10th Sep 2018, processing time was 9-11 months, some time back it was 12-15, and 15-16 months, and now it's 16-17 months. Seems 887 processing time is getting more and more delayed. Any idea why this keeps increasing? , any thoughts will it go beyond this.. ? :( Cheers!
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