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roscoand teri

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Everything posted by roscoand teri

  1. Hey every1 , we have been here nearly 2 months. Our furniture has just arrived so got our computer up and working now. We are living in the Mitcham area, we have two kids 3 and 4. Any1 with kids the same sort of age wanting to meet up at any point let us know..
  2. Hi thanks very much longtimer i will email him now. Heaps Good i am a plumber and teri is a full time mam.
  3. We where told by shipping company to expect it to take 10 to 12 weeks.
  4. I know karyn its abit of a nightmare eh, i had a look on that web site mentioned by dominqe, maybe a good starting point. Cheers
  5. We are looking at around the 350 to 450 price range. Furnished would be good as we will be waiting for our stuff 2 be sent over. I will have a look at that sites Judi thanks , will also look in2 that place you have mentioned Trevor, sounds prity good to me for starting of. Short term rent to get started then find our feet and get a place 4 more permanent. Thanks very much, will have a look and shout you,s back.
  6. :arghh:Hi every1, just a quick question, we have been trying to find rentals for october this year, we are lookin for a 2 or 3 bedrooms in a nice area close to clapham. We have tried looking at heaps of sites but have found the prices to be through the roof. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks Ross and Teri
  7. Thanks very much every1 for your speedy replies, much appreciated. Will give those companys a look. We are not sure which part of Adelaide we are going to move to yet but will be close to city as we have friends their and my job is in the area (plumbing). So all good. Cant wait. Will be nice to be in the sun shine for a change. Cheers every1.
  8. Hey everyone, we are just new to this site, we have just got our visa,s and are in the process of getting ready for the big move. Just wanted to know a coupel of things, is it a good idea to take over electrical equipment such as computer printer ,hair, dryer etc, am i right in thinking that they will work fine with one of those adpters from uk to australian plugs. Also can any1 recommend a good shipping company , we are going from the Highlands in Scotland to Adelaide. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks
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