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Everything posted by Dona

  1. Thank you both @dar8 and @bornilfor your advice, its good to have a second party opinion as well sometimes..! I hope we get it soon as it is tough also being turned down from many workplaces at the as moment with permanent job offers due to visa even after being successful with all screening processes and constant job searching..!! I guess will have to put up with this for more time..! Best wishes to all applicants..!
  2. Thanks alot for your response. I actually tried contacting the local mp who did contact the department on my behalf and forwarded all my concerns. However their last response to this was as follows (Sorry I have crossed off my full name here) which was received on the 11th of November 2019.
  3. Many thanks. I already complaint through the immi account on the 1st June and attached is there response I got. Not sure if this is a general response for everyone or only to me. Appreciate your feedback if any..!
  4. @bornil Thanks, does that work in our favour at all?
  5. I know and it is mainly because of a 7 month delay of an updated 1229 from my child's father who is my ex-husband and is re-married now and living overseas. He used this document as a bargaining chip in the divorce matter and delayed it. Now we are suffering..but I have provided the department all requested documents up-to now; court documents..consent forms, police reports..etc. However this delay is not acceptable from our side. That's why I am wondering if this is the general reply people get they do a complaint of a delay...?
  6. Hi Everyone I applied for 887 on the 10 September 2017 and still pending. On the 1st of June, I sent a complaint to the department and today I have got the following reply. Really appreciate if you could please confirm if this is the common reply you get from the department once you do a complaint? Good luck for all applicants...!
  7. Did you get a response to your complaint?
  8. Thanks, what is this email address about? Sorry, I am still a new member here.
  9. Hi everyone, I am new to this forum, I have applied for 887 on the 10th Sep 2017 for my son and myself. The Department requested an updated consent form from child's father who resides overseas which was submitted on 13th December 2018. However, there's is no response from that end since. The current expected processing time is 16-17 months which is way passed since my date of application. Appreciate if someone could share some means of contact for the Department where I can write to inquire about the status of my application? Many thanks.!
  10. through your immi account: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/bridging-visa-b-020
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