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amina umar

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Everything posted by amina umar

  1. shazi and merged good luck both of you fir tomorrow... hope you get it soon
  2. i shared email and all information is there please read that and send your street address if you are registration there than you can join some meeting..thanks
  3. just received an email we all should join forum to tell the problems..thanks
  4. https://t.me/update887visa install telegram app than join this link..thanks
  5. when you not is australia than how they come to know that you are diabetic.. keep and calm and hope for good..
  6. keep yourself on silent mode no need to tell until they ask for it.. try to control your diabetes with healthy diet and walk or exercise..regularly check your diabetes at home....thanks
  7. install telegram app than join this link please https://t.me/update887visa
  8. heard august started many july and others indirct grant on telegram group
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