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Everything posted by Maninder

  1. It’s no good Co are becoming ignorant like god looks at all then refuse to any thing for them
  2. If you have passed 21 months call them now this instance
  3. It’s like immigration tossing bone so to calm everyone nerves happy for him but what about all of us who are struggling every day its like we see you but we don’t care kind of attitude hope immigration can feel our pain and understand what situation we all are in and I just got refused for 2 more jobs as I don’t have residency
  4. Same here mate it’s totally unsatisfactory if you complain inni and is oh sorry you are in allotted timeframe well that was the time frame when I applied so I thing I am well above the time frame if you change it not my problem
  5. I am thinking of spending more money and applying 190 I checked how much points I make 110 points you recon I’ll get invitations quick
  6. Yeap wait like many of us more than 4 months for me already
  7. More than 19 months me and there are some nearly 23 months
  8. U think a Layer is going to help they work for money you keep giving them money and keep stretching the case to collect evidence by the time case would be in court you might be resident or may be citizen That’s waste of time may be CURRENT AFFAIR that always works now a days and govt bodies work
  9. New schedule maintenance on 28 feb again time increase
  10. This year is going to be forever no grants looks like Co have gone for good
  11. Can’t help you at the moment if it is considerably late from delay time then please contact us again they can only ask but cant force them to take decisions
  12. Funny story I complain on obdsman and got same response like immigration how funny is that didn’t help at all
  13. There is no point complaining would end up with universal answer like always
  14. There is nothing to hate but no growing opportunity
  15. Victoria and keep missing opportunities in corrections as they want residency
  16. This is probably the best post refusal of any job application miserable life and no hope of progress everyone got anxiety no future
  17. Yeah boy let it out it is frustrating yes it’s ok to get angry it’s stupid and shit
  18. Same 0n 12 nov but didn’t receive any thing after that from him after that have made complain but nothing
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