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  1. Hi Blossom, its at my house in Sheidow Park. if you would like to come PM me and i'll give you my number and address x
  2. Hi everyone, not posted on here in ages and ages! We are in Sheidow Park, been here just over a year now and would love to meet new people. I'm 33, have 3 kids, 9,12,14. I dont work but hubby works long hours so i'm alone a lot during the days, and most nights too! Im hosting a Tupperware party for a friend in a couple of weeks and wondered if anyone fancied joining us, for a girls night in? No obligation to buy, just a way for me to meet new people in a informal setting. Please PM me if you would like to come. Vicky x
  3. You can take cardboard to the bottle deposit places for free...not sure about paper though x
  4. Hubby uses it and says it's all good equipment and well kitted out. You can go in and have a nosey during normal office hours and they will show you around before you sign up
  5. Hi Tina, Yep, don't actually know my head from my elbow at the moment lol. Would be great to meet up, thank you! As soon as i get over and get a phone number i'll be sending it out to people who have replied, can't thank you all enough for putting my mind at rest about meeting people xxxx
  6. Thanks everyone for the messages, i feel so relieved to know how friendly and welcoming everyone is! It feels so great to be able to chat and arrange meetings with people, i was so scared that i wouldn't be able to meet anyone. My container is coming this morning, so thats another tick off the very long list I hope i wont be ready for a nervous breakdown before actually meeting everyone haha. Thanks again everyone xxx
  7. Hi Everyone! I posted a few months ago saying that my husband had been offered a job in Adelaide and we had decided to make the move, i havent posted since (but been around in the shadows lol) We have now got our visas, plane tickets, had a leaving party and the removal men are packing up as i type eeek! Cant believe how quick it has all happened, it will be less than 5 months from the job acceptance to actually getting there! We fly out on the 10th March and it would be great to meet some people who has been in the same situation as us. James, my hubby, will be starting work straight away on the monday when we arrive so will literally be dumping his bags and going out, leaving me with our 3 kids, ages 12,10 and 7. A little bit about us..... Im Vicky, age 31, love animals, baking, reading, spending time with friends either in day drinking brews or at night with a few glasses of wine, Hubby James is 34, works as crane engineer he goes to the gym and boxing Eldest Daughter is 12, a bit shy, loves animals, horse riding, crafts and talking to her friends. Tom age 10, he likes being out on his bike, football, boxing and xbox. Emily age 7 is bubbly, chatty and makes a new best friend where ever she goes. Feel like im on a dating site doing this, but needs must lol. We'll be near the centre of adelaide in an apartment that work puts us in for first few weeks then we'll be looking at where we want to settle, if anyone would like to take pity on a stressed out mum of 3 and help me get my bearings i'd love to hear from you on here Looking forward to any replies and thanks for reading xxx
  8. Hi everyone! My name is Vicky, my hubby is James and we have 3 kids aged 7, 10 and 12, currently live in Lancashire, UK. We have just had confirmation that we have full sponsorship from a company in Aus and they want us there in Jan/Feb! Arggghhh! All systems go now for us Well, me as James (hubby) will be going to Germany for training for a month or so and leaving me to do most of it. I can't believe it will happen so quickly, i thought we would be waiting for about 12 months! We are moving to Adelaide, at first they put us up in a fully furnished apartment but we need to find ourselves a rental for when our own furniture and things arrive and are let go. Can anyone give me any advice on best areas for kids schools etc please? Any good websites to look at for schools too would be highly appreciated too! God, i have so many questions and don't know where to start haha. One of the teachers from the kids primary school moved to Adelaide a few years ago, so im going to try and see if we can get in touch with him, all the kids who he taught email him from the school already so hopefully he will be able to point me in right direction too! My son (10) is really into his boxing over here as is my husband and they want me to look at boxing clubs too in the area, so any info on that would be great I know i'll be posting alot of questions and probably using this as a place to vent frustrations and worries and most of all our excitement over the next few months, so please bare with me. I am a list person so tomorrow i am going out and buying a few note books to start writing the lists, if anyone of you lovely people on here can think of any lists for me to make, please feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading, hope to get to know you all over next few months while i'm still in UK and then in Adelaide Looking forward to reading any ones reply Vicky xxxxx
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