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Everything posted by Dmytro

  1. Mine CO Wilson... Also my wife and a kid stuck overseas, so hopfuly they will give pre grant for them. Last time my file was open in September 2019 requesting additional documents, after this nobody open it... ((
  2. What about July 2018?? Why they skip it .
  3. Will be on bridge visa in 3 weeks... Employer keep asking about my visa.. - - cant give him an answer Real estate agent keep asking when I will be able to extend my lease agreement... - - - can't answer Will I be able to access my supper?? - - - no. Will I have any help if I lose job soon - - - no. I am working at the same place full time since I land in Australia I been staying in the same place for 3.5 years. I am paying taxes, rent, insurances, bills etc... Never had any debt or police issues Why it so hard to make a desigion??? Am I worse from people who applying on other visa? Why it is takes 28 month to say Yes or No.. It is simple.. If yes I will plan my future.. If No I will pack my bags... Just give me f..NG certain in my future.... Sorry guys.. It just what I am thinking now..
  4. Goverment had plan to outsource visa application processing, it would be much faster. But now they decide to stop it...
  5. Hi) Just want to share some info. I put my application on 6/7/2018 now it is almost 19 month. First contact was in September. So on Friday 31/01/2020 I rang immigration and ask them when should I expect any desigion about my application. Really nice guy told me that if CO contact me in September and requested more documents(I want to admit that it was same documents which I upload at the beginning, except tax assessment) it could take indefinite until they made a desigion. I asked him, does it mean if on 6/02/2020 CO will request more documents I will need to wait antoer year?... I received a positive answer.. on my question.. I do not have any words to say now...
  6. Yes, for me too.. Next month will need to call them and ask what's going on..
  7. And I am still waiting. Applied 7/7/2018
  8. No I did not, as I probably will get automatic reply... Saying "u still in a given time frame.".... Hope we will get any news nex month as in January it will be 18 months...
  9. I put mine on 7 July. Next month will be 18 months already.
  10. Hello) does anybody still waiting for PR from July 2018?
  11. Hello, I been following this forum for 17 month already. Since I apply for my PR. I applyed on 4/07/2018. Firs contact was in September 2019 asking about additional address prof, tax assessment, a letter from my employer, and pay slips. It is funny, my situation is very simple. Since I arrived I am living at the same place, I have full time job since 2016.... But still did not get anythjng.. Annoying.... And some people who applied in October 2018 receiving grants , what about July??? Looks like they just ignoring it..
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