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Everything posted by sislam

  1. @ROBERTO when u got the invitation what was the ielts requirements on ur occupation.
  2. @ROBERTO I think its a mistake. may I know when u did the test last time. I haven't seen any primary applicant asked for it.....where u get the screen shoot that u attached
  3. hi all i am so happy ...got government job offer last week ....my 489 still have validity of 2 years........feeling toooooooooo haappyyyy..........hope u all get grant soon i will apply 887 this September and join the club
  4. https://www.australiavisa.com/immigration-news/from-a-489-to-a-887-visa/
  5. Every year 4 weeks you can stay out of Australia. 79+77+22=178/7=26 weeks =6.5 months ....so ur 887 due on June 2019 when did u applied
  6. guys i am staying at regional area as a 489 visa holder. I need to do a 5 days training in Sydney or Perth for my job. can I do that with 489 visa.
  7. Can anyone write the procedure for statutory declaration....step by step....I mean who will sign it ......is it mandatory to sign in front of JP/by anyone else ...
  8. hi for residency proof which statutory declaration should I use state one or this one I mean commonwealth one......
  9. they are simply .....................want us to stay in the region ....why they r breaking their own legislation...If one get away at the time of 489 without IELTS why not now. rubbish
  10. When I applied for 489 CO asked for my wife's functional English ....Even though I submitted University medium of instruction. Then CO asked for her transcricpt to see she had studies more than two year in english she text me this " you completed a degree, a higher degree, a diploma or a trade certificate in an institution in or outside Australia that required at least two years of full-time study and all instructions were in English" .. I submitted Transcript and got the grant
  11. Guys this is NT sat dec form. I want to declare two months shared accommodation. As per above do I need Jp's signature.or Any one can sign. If i go to JP what docs I should take for prove ( ex. phone bill, utility bill, insurance,driving license etc these all has that unit address printed on them) NT sta dec link https://nt.gov.au/law/processes/statutory-declarations
  12. are there any format for stat dec...or link
  13. Guys i have another 2 years 2 months remaining on my 489visa . Recently there is an opportunity for an on going full time job in SA government (at present I am working in the same position for the last six month as contract basis with SA government). If get eligible for this position , will my 489 visa will be an issue to get this full time on going job?? Do you guys have any idea . With 489 can i get full time on going govt ob
  14. Hi guys When I came to Australia, I stayed at a rental one room unit for 2 months. I dont have any contract with owner .I have the following docs as a proof of 2 months residency 1. Driving licence 2. Car registration 3.Car insurance  4. Bank account opening letter 5.Tax file number  6. Police check( did for job purpose) will this enough to prove 2months residency at the begining. or still I need contract/tenancy agreement. actualy he was to his country for two months so i stayed there.
  15. Guys Any link /Immigration format for Statutory declaration ....please provide
  16. Hi guys When I came to Australia, I stayed at a rental one room unit for 2 months. I dont have any contract with owner .I have the following docs as a proof of 2 months residency 1. Driving licence 2. Car registration 3.Car insurance 4. Bank account opening letter 5.Tax file number 6. Police check( did for job purpose) will this enough to prove 2months residency at the begining. or still I need contract/tenancy agreement. actualy he was to his country for two months so i stayed there.
  17. Guys I am bit confused about medical? When we got our 489 grant ( family of three / only son is 5years 2 months now) 0n March 2018 We did medical for all of us. My son was 3year 10months then and he did the medical too. For 887 he( my son) has to do medical again? He is now 5yr 2months old ..... Also for my wife I submitted her transcript /medium of instruction and university certificates at the time of 489 application on 2017 as English language proof. she got the grant with it. For 887 I will submit the same docs for her. Will they ask for IELTS /PTE score?????
  18. Congratulations man.. How old are yours kids .While 489 did they do medical??? why asking again.
  19. Guys after lodging 887 can applicant travel outside Australia. Do I need to inform them - My 489 is still valid up to Sep 2022
  20. Ya I did . Now my son is 5+ . will DHA ask for medical again. all of our family members had done medical during 489 on 2018.
  21. Hi how old is your Kid? Does it depends on age? my one is 5+ do they ask for his medical also.Though he has done his medical while 489 was granted
  22. Hi all, Q1. After applying 887 is it written somewhere that applicant can not travel out of Australia? Do the applicant need to inform CO/ Immi account that he is out of Australia for few weeks. Q2. While granted 489 we have done medical on 2018. Do they ask for medical again. my son is 5+ . Is it vary case to case for medical. Congrats to all new PR
  23. Guys I have few questions, please answer 1. After 887 apply if I go out of Australia do I need to apply for Bridging visa B ( My 489 has still 2 years validity/ will expire on 2021 August) 2. Do i or my family has to do medical for 887? Thanks
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