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Everything posted by Yash

  1. @nmit07 Hi everyone, Today finally I got this moment to write this grant message. Thank you very much to admin and all active group member for your support. With everyone support and god blessing we have received our grant today. Family of 2 Applied on 3/7/19 First contact - 4/6/20 Grant - 9/7/20 Both the time c.o Lisa. They takes a time to grant this visa but whenever you get it you forget everything and you feel that happiness of having Australian Residency. I hope You all will get your visa very soon but be patient. I gave normal feedback to Immigration yesterday. And today I got my grant. I think it is not only because of feedback I got my grant but they are giving grant in sequence. They are clearing backlogs now! Good luck to everyone.
  2. Finger crossed for tomorrow. We both waiting for 4/6/20 first contact date. Good luck mate.
  3. Hi Admin, can you please update the spreadsheet?
  4. Contact Mark(Migration SOlution), I think he has good knowledge about this visa. Or you can call Immigration and ask them whether to submit or not.
  5. same here. I have been contacted on the same date and still waiting. One of my friend got his grant today. His first contact date was 29/5/20. I think we are in queue so we might get the grant in late this week or earlier next week.
  6. Hi Admin, can you please edit in spreadsheet as I was contacted by c.o Lisa yesterday. Applied on 3/7/19.
  7. Files submitted - 04/07/2020 I have been contacted by c.o Lisa today; I got four queries though I submitted all documents. 1) evidence of residential address - I provided bank statement and statutory declaration 2) evidence of full time employment - I did 2 jobs (Uber eats & cleaning) in first year 489 visa and I provided all job invoices, payslips and notice of assessment 3) afp - as she said it is done by third party service so not valid. 4) functional english proof for primary - I was primary applicant in both file 489 and 887. I submitted transcript and ielts certy which was valid when I submitted 887 files. She asked to submit invoice where number of hours which I worked per week should be mentioned. I did uber eats, cleaning and uber x where number of hours are not mentioned. Any suggestion?
  8. For 1) Submit bank statements 2) Submit marriage certificate and utility bill where your both names mentioned or home lease, id proof where your name mentioned behind her name, marriage card and photos. 3) if pcc which you submitted is not expired yet and if your wife not been to India then c.o can’t ask about it. Do complain and mention she is not been to home country after visa file submitted and pcc issued.
  9. One of my friend got contacted for overseas pcc today. He applied on 27/3/19.
  10. From which uni have you completed your bachelors? Because in GTU transcript rear page they have mentioned medium of study was English.
  11. Tha’s b***shit. Sorry. But when we have submitted primary applicant’s Ielts/pte result, degree certi, transcript and still they asking for engLish proof? It is waste of time for us and waste of money. We have seen this kind of case in last week also where they asked for primary applicant english proof again. I am just want to confirm some details with you; 1)Were you primary applicant while when you submitted file for 489 visa? And which exam have you given for english proof? (Ielts,pte,toefl) 2) Are you with 489 regional visa or relative sponsored visa? if we don’t find any particular reason for asking english proof than we have to raise this question. And we have to get advise from Mark (migration solution).
  12. Have you submitted your transcript? And do you working in I.T field at this moment?
  13. No, you will get english letter from college 101% and I think university will open from 18/5/20. Restriction will be ease stage by stage.
  14. English letter you can get from your college. You have to contact admin office in your college. You have to send your all marksheet and get true copies for all documents. They should have format of english language letter on their letterhead. Make sure you get stamp of college and principal signature on it. And for transcript you have to go to guj. University.
  15. am not sure what Status it shows when you open link! But before opening link you need to download Telegram application from your app store. Then click on link and it will open in web browser. Then it will ask you to open in telegram. Once you open in telegram app you will be member of that group. If its not working let me know I will find other alternate. I have attached that link again;  https://t.me/update887visa
  16. I am not sure what Status it shows when you open link! But before opening link you need to download Telegram application from your app store. Then click on link and it will open in web browser. Then it will ask you to open in telegram. Once you open in telegram app you will be member of that group. If its not working let me know I will find other alternate. I have attached that link again; https://t.me/update887visa
  17. True we are getting grants but not in a series. They are keep opening new files but skipping some candidates as well. There are few candidates from December and January month whom status is yet’ we have received your file.’ For them co aren’t located yet. And they have opened Feb, 2019 files. And we need to change the processing time status from 26-29 months to 6 months only in website. Otherwise you can’t argue with them why they are taking more time to grant files!
  18. Hello everyone, I am member of one of 887 group on telegram. Where we have 600 members who applied for 887 visa or willing to apply soon. We are planning to hire a lawyer and fight legal again government. So I request to you all to join that group. So we can prepare a list of candidate. We all are doing email to all Ministers, M.P and Prime minister to inform our situation. We are doing this since couple of day when processing time changed to 26-29 months. This is good platform to inform all updates but to prepare proper list of candidate and we need 1000-2000 candidates to make huge impact on government. And we can share lawyer fees in large number of people. Please open below link and download telegram (if you haven’t downloaded) ; https://t.me/update887visa
  19. Hi everyone, Is there a requirement to submit spouse academic transcript ? I am a main applicant and my partner is dependant in application.
  20. Hi Admin, can you please add me on spreadsheet 887 visa? I applied on 03/07/2019 Name - Yash country - India family of two
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