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Everything posted by sam_may_2020

  1. You can ask your collage or university to give language certificate. Here is an example. The first four lines are required with sign and seal of authority.
  2. Congratulations.... and Thanks for the update.
  3. Here it is. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about/contact/provide-feedback/compliments-complaints-suggestions/visa-citizenship-service
  4. @nudgee @wng Could you please add this? Vimmi Bajwa 23 May 2020 489 (family spo.) family of two Q: I just need to ask whether I need to provide any document from my brother who sponsored me for 489. As we have provided that supporting document at the time when we applied 489 visa. It may not be required. I am not sure about this, sorry.
  5. Yes that is something which is not in our hand, so we cannot do anything on that. I believe they would clear out in 45 days at-least.
  6. Document list https://www.pomsinadelaide.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4468 Once you apply post comment here some one will add you in tracker.
  7. I have applied on 18th June and still waiting, They have processing time of 4-45 days.
  8. I assume you have already given docs to agent, better to ask them to upload.
  9. While applying for AFP, It shows state of birth `SA`, Is it normal? I have selected India as country of birth and I could not see a field where I can type in state of birth. Can someone help with that?
  10. How advisable It is to upload birth certificate of dependent application? I have in different language so need to translate.
  11. When you select online and proceed further.
  12. Congratulations.... Enjoy the day
  13. Could you try uploading any new document? Like latest bank statement, or car rego. just to drive their attention on your file.
  14. Thanks @Kiran seri Looks like it is commonwealth of Australia's STATUTORY DECLARATION. Thanks a lot.
  15. Hi @Kiran seri I am also looking for the same. Please share it on forum if you get any. One more thing for address statutory declarations Do we need to sign commonwealth or state statutory declarations form?
  16. Could you please any one of them? I also want to make for my self.
  17. Are you going to make a STATUTORY DECLARATION for tenancy?
  18. Did you upload filled form of `STATUTORY DECLARATION` for tenancy ?
  19. Can anyone upload filled form of `STATUTORY DECLARATION` for tenancy ? I do have a blank form but I want to see the filled one. Last 7 days Grants:
  20. Can anyone upload filled form of `STATUTORY DECLARATION` for tenancy ? I do have a blank form but I want to see the filled one. Last 7 days Grants:
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