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Everything posted by TAS887

  1. In tas they are not taking in person so they take in email. I dont know your state (fill the form print sign and scan and attached docs and emial). give a call
  2. yes Indian ref. just put ur parents or relatives
  3. SOmeone in this group said they got a letter from work. I dont know how that works but you can do that incase u dont get help from uni. all the best
  4. Hi It not a credit card. you can also use debit card. normal card you use for spending. oh yes you need to fill in 2 form for 2 address. if not sure just fill it in and send it( better you send 2 than 1 as they may send it back if is is incomplete. am not sure about the photo but if you have send an extra photo also as your sending extra form. it will save you cost of re sending the parcel. Main important save you time as time is more valuable than money you can save on photo for English try you best put all you effort to get a letter from uni to prove study was in English. sometime on the degree it written mode of delivery was English. CO sometimes are painfull they will delay your file. try your best to get it
  5. Looks like they are clearing old files now. before they go for sep
  6. 1) if by post you need to give your card details or you can give someone else wife or family member that can sign that form giving authority 2) 8b yes you current Australian address. if you have not lived more than a year in the current address put you other address just underneath on space given (it says it on the form) 4) you applying from here so there is nothing to do with the shutdown approx is 8 weeks but may get in in 6 weeks 5) if the mark sheet and all is for English then you better get a letter saying that you studied in English.
  7. yes,, you better press that button. DONT WIAT for Agent or wait for the case officer to get back. There is a high chance the case officer may look at those docs when you press that button.
  8. Thnks. dont want to go through agents. they are pain in the ***. charge good money and delay things. my 489 visa got delayed by 4 months because agent forgot to submit 1 document Thanks again
  9. hi, do we need to make a new immi account for dependent? or do we just put secondary documents in the main application?like form 80 and supporting docs?
  10. Take a photo and scan n upload it.. also scan backside with signature? Thanks
  11. I see on fb 887 group says u need to upload photos is that correct? I don't see on immi website Thanks
  12. What documents did you submit to show employment initially?
  13. how can we request for this information? can you also get how many got visa in last 12 months?
  14. Good information 394/2.5 average application = 157 application this month
  15. 10 june on the sheet, thats a surprise. looks like they will clean up June 2019 next 3 days
  16. Hi, What documents can we show for relationship apart from marriage certificate?
  17. They did that last month starting cleared all backlog and then accelerated on the new ones. hope to see that. it good for people waiting for so long.
  18. if your from a country other the India or Nepal then you you should do it( not compulsory)
  19. on your from 80 you have to provide your wife details and if she is migrating with you then tick yes on the box .alsw your parents and your brother and sisters but you TICK NO on migrating with you. you put your wife parents details on her from 80 where you also put ur details in the partner section and tick yes on the box saying migrating with you and her parent details and brothers and sisters but you TICK NO on migrating with you.
  20. Do we need to hand write for 80? as it says on top or it can be typed in PC and then printed? Please help ASAP. do we need to submit from 1221? Thank you
  21. We dont have members on this group who applied between 16/05 to 20/05 so we dont know .. so yup on FB are other members. hope they get to 25th something today.
  22. Hi, I dont have a form but cover points like. your friend saying I know you since 1995 and you were living from the date to xyz date. Sharing rent and other utility and contact him if more info required.
  23. get a statutory dec signed by JP it will be much better than a simple letter. it will save you time. CO may ask you to get a sat dec after and it will waste ur time
  24. Very true.. all Adelaide CO are asking for Primary IELTS
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