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Everything posted by MMM

  1. BTW, did you require medical examination by the CO? thanks
  2. thanks mate, hope you can obtain the grant ASAP
  3. May I ask why the officer asking for further employment letter please? you did not provide to them previously?
  4. thanks mate. We donot have newborn. My agent told me every PR application needs to do the examination
  5. I think you should renew now. I remember the passport must be at least six validation month before grant.
  6. Hi guys, do we need to do health examination? because my agent told me that we need to do it, but my family including me did not come out of Aus during 489 period.
  7. Hi guys, just want to ask a question about working requirement. does paid annual leave can be calculated as working hours? for example the payslip shows 38 annual leave hours and 38 working hours, total 76 hours fortnightly, is this fullfill the working requirement? thanks
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