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Everything posted by sha_adelaide

  1. They are so unpredictable, I got contacted for more information just after 1 day I submitted. Then after I uploaded it changed to further assesment. I never expected such fast response.
  2. Congrats to everyone who got the grant today. Hope others who are waiting from 2018, and 2019 will get their's as soon as possible. Let's hope in July they start 2020 and clear the blacklog by then.
  3. Yah mine is not expired. 2020 so far always treated me like this. So this is another story for the year.
  4. I was asked to send 887 bridging visas. not 489. Earlier I sent 489 with 887 acknowledgement . Frustrating..
  5. Is it. My husband got it but he wasnt employed for 12 months in current job plus it is not casual. But they didnt ask any questions or evidence.
  6. Sure please share ur application date and country, and a day if CO contacted Thanks.
  7. I handed over inperson, but seems when they posting they haven't send my 887 acknowledgement with the application. TOday I got a call from medicare as I need to apply again. So for anyone who need sharing this infor. I just called medicare and they gave me this email mes@servicesaustralia.gov.au, Subject should be ENROLMENT your Lastname and firstanme Thanks @AvnSub @TAS887
  8. Does anyone know if we can apply medicare through email?
  9. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ApeHDAjEH60WFBNLeq14wvGzegiqGC4KD0U-OyH_w6U/edit?usp=sharing
  10. I also noticed. But I have no idea. That is bad situation.
  11. Added u in. May I know ur country pls. Have u got contacted by CO ?
  12. I just noticed U and me are the last entries in the tracker
  13. One of my friend got contacted today and asked for updated AFP a June 2019 applicant.
  14. Based on what I have read through forums and in my experience, Logically it is not needed if you haven't visited. But after issueing PCC for 489 if you have spent a lot of time in home country before moving here it might be affecting. But this depends on the CO. I have seen many people got the grant without an updated PCC. On the other hand there were people asked for an updated PCC. To be in safe side if you have time bettter to request an updated PCC (whicih I did)
  15. Is it? What's the point of rejecting a VISA for a condition of a baby?? They only need healthy people?? Seems unfair!!
  16. Yes I dont think they do reject for that reason. Stay positive mate @Maj
  17. Congrats for all the guys who got their Grant Today!
  18. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ApeHDAjEH60WFBNLeq14wvGzegiqGC4KD0U-OyH_w6U/edit?usp=sharing
  19. Added your record, would u like to share your country so I can update that too
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