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Everything posted by wng

  1. I am not sure on your husband's case. As for mine, we are a huge MNC. We followed directions from HR which came from our Head Office in QLD. All I did was to process according to what Payroll has requested.
  2. You have to gather all the following documents: 1) Passport - it must be certified 2) Your 489 Visa Grant 3) Your 887 Acknowledgement - PDF copy 4) Medicare Enrolment Form (MS004) - make sure you fill up and complete with signatures Email them to mes@servicesaustralia.gov.au with the subject header "NEW ENROLLMENT - [First Name] [Last Name] Do note that there's currently about 4-8 weeks wait. I waited mine for 43 days.
  3. The latest is that you can. But you must be employed for at least 12 months or more in the current job on 1st March 2020.
  4. It must have been a slow day in DOHA. Or the weekend syndrome has kicked in.
  5. Hello, honestly it can be anytime over the next 4 weeks or so. There's no definite time they will pick up though.
  6. Congratulations on your Grant! Which country are you from originally?
  7. Sure, which country are you from originally? Has any COs made previous contact with you yet (sometimes there's exception)?
  8. Dear all, If you 1) wish to be added in the tracker OR 2) you have an updates from CO or have been granted, can you please let the admins know to add the information for you. The tracker is on this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ApeHDAjEH60WFBNLeq14wvGzegiqGC4KD0U-OyH_w6U/edit#gid=0 Reply to this thread and the admins will know what to do. Thank you!
  9. 489 is no longer an existing subclass. It has been replaced by 491 and this subclass has pretty fast grant.
  10. Congratulations! Updated yours on the tracker.
  11. Anything on the transcript/cert that says your course was conducted in English? I am not sure but I hope some senior members here could second the statement.
  12. Updated for you in the tracker. Wow! My first time hearing CO Chia-Chun's name. Which office is he/she based in?
  13. Is there anything you need to update on the tracker? An admin will be able to update for you. Just post it publicly here.
  14. I would say submit more and let the COs decide. There's no harm submitting everything you have.
  15. Hey Kevin, did you request for the latest FOI?
  16. @nudgee Tracker seems very quiet today. No one updating them?
  17. It's a slow day here but it seems that July 2019 has begun!
  18. Have a read at the requirements again. It says 18 years old and above.
  19. Anyway, how many GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS today? Let's close with a big bang! Come on COs.
  20. I have done 6 years of my Bachelor & Masters in English. So, that is fine with me. I am just saying for the sake of those who will be going head on with DOHA.
  21. Dear all, I happened to stumbled upon this newly "sneakily" inserted requirement in the Eligibility section [cf. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-regional-887#Eligibility]. It seems that they have just made this mandatory from the way it interpret it for Primary Applicant. I find this absurd given the fact that it is NOT in the original legislation. I don't think this is right at all.
  22. Is there a reason why you are waiting? Why not upload everything instead of waiting for CO to contact you?
  23. FOI stands for Freedom of Information. Freedom of information laws allow access by the general public to data held by national governments.
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