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Everything posted by Hanna

  1. Thanks wng for your hard work and initiative in this matter. I can probably speak for everyone by saying we appreciate it. I understand many people are excluded and long term visas such as 489 should be included in PR category in the first place. But say for the sake of argument, if we go by their rules, once we become PR we have the same rights as other PRs. You would not include 1.1 million but only a couple of thousand that got PR as of March 2020. I find this an unnecessary discrimination that doesn’t hold significant implications to the Australian rules or budgets. I am getting an impression that 489 is the worse visa. First of, we are stimulating and promoting growth in Australian regional areas, we go through pain of paying lots of money to settle without enjoying any benefits for years. We go through thorough checks (police, health, language) during 489 yet somehow they manage to delay the process of 887 for 2 years and exclude us from all the benefits possible. I am angry because this should be a routine visa not a visa treating us as unwanted garbage. Then they should stop regional sponsorships all together! Pfffff! Sorry I am not directing this anger at anybody in particular, but this whole 887 visa system is just bonkers! Wng, in your experience and honest opinion do you think we can do anything to change it?
  2. Yes I got all that but the new information is that you need to hold PR from March 1 to be eligible. New PR holders are NOT eligible.
  3. Guys, just learned that when we get 887, even if we are employed as of March 2020 we are NOT eligible for JobKeeper?! That’s a discrimination! Anyone heard the same?
  4. Hi guys, I have a question. I’m doing a tax return and submitted my 887 application a few weeks ago. Does the Medicare levy exemption run until I get my Medicare card or is the exemption finished the moment I applied for 887?
  5. It’s for sole traders and companies that lost revenue by more than 30%. This way they can keep their employees with the job keeper support. The condition is, the employee needs to be employed since March this year. For unemployed people there’s social support but I reckon until PR we’re not eligible.
  6. You would be if you’d stay with the same employer since March. You can’t get it if you are unemployed or newly employed.
  7. Hi there, it is really unfair that 489 visas and bridging visas are excluded from the job seeker package. Unfortunately that is the reality. As of now, you had to be a permanent resident or a citizen plus have been employed since March 2020 to qualify. Access to the super fund is possible though. Well it was until today for 489 as far as I know. I’m also scared that because employers can’t get a job keeper for us, they can’t afford us so I took some money out of super just in case. Back then they said I can’t access it after July 1 unless I get a PR in the meantime. As for the rent, you need to get a statement by the employer stating a reduction in salary due to COVID19 or that you will be made redundant and ask a landlord to decrease your rent for the time being. I asked for 30% reduction and in the end got 20% but still better than nothing. I hope this helps. Perhaps someone else have even better info. Hang in there and good luck.
  8. Another grant! It’s going to be a good day, good luck everyone. Let’s hope they finally wrap up 2018,2019 applications!
  9. It says Forwarded at the beginning of the message. Might be that person forwarded from somewhere else not for himself?
  10. Hi guys, hopefully lots of new grants today! I wish you all from November and before lots of success this week. For us from 2020, I am too curious :), can we confirm for those May 2020 applicants if they are all in the “essential” category? I’ve seen 3 so far. One aged care from May 21, one health care from May 25, but not sure for the one from May 22nd? Anyone got a clue? It can be AI selecting it out? I also saw a very big jump in applications in May 2020 (above average) so if it’s not all essential workers it might be they are at least opening May applications to request documents and such so it’s not delayed too much and if all complete just granting it?
  11. Good morning, guys! Just got this piece of information, it’s not a 100%, but quite a likely scenario. The visa that was granted from May 2020, if your sponsored profession (in which you also worked most of the time) is in demand they might process it sooner. Professions such as aged care, health care, government officials, or similar,... Perhaps someone can confirm as you’re following the grants for longer? Since 489 is an occupation sponsored visa it might be they are looking at that or AI is picking it out of the system for processing? I only saw it in 2 occasions that an aged care person got their 887 picked up a month after lodgement and another one was a government official that got his PR is 6 days without even uploading documents. Hope this helps in predicting the trends.
  12. We all have different reasons for moving. I don’t appreciate the tone though.
  13. By the way, hi everyone, I am following this forum as of this month, I found tracking trends most interesting. Thanks, moderators, for doing that. It provides at least some sort of estimation on when we could expect our file to be opened. If you wish to put me in the tracker here are the details: A family of 2 from the Netherlands applied on June 5 2020 sponsored by SA
  14. @sha_adelaide how do you know this would happen? Did it happen before that some applications were processed that quickly? Is this legit or a typo? Surely they’re not processing May 2020?! Anyone have an idea why this could be?
  15. I feel you. Communication though should be better on their part, agreed. Fingers crossed all pending applications are processed in a couple of months. Perhaps Covid-19 did bring something positive at least to 887 visa processing times ;)
  16. Here is some info I got on this matter. Generally the picking of visas is on a first in first out basis but when the application isn’t complete i.e. they have to ask for something substantial, this particular application goes on the “second pile” which is processed in a different order and timeline. Certain applications are filtered out because of too many things missing. It can also be that the inquiry of the information provided is difficult to check especially if it’s something from a foreign country or the info provided is unlabelled, having some discrepancies, etc. Some are lucky to get quick responses after inquiry, but that is usually an update request and if you respond quickly they might still have the application in process, but for some this means delays because it simply gets handed in a different processing pile. It does make sense to me, this is also a fair procedure as applications who are easy to process and fully complete should just get a grant and not be hold back by applications that require lots of extra information. If all applications would get processed date-to-date we’d face really long delays for everyone.
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