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Everything posted by thearmchairdetective

  1. Hi Angie & Stephen, Its nice to hear from you. good luck with everything. what exactly do you do in the transport industry Stephen, are youHGV? best wishes
  2. Hi denise, I am really glad you are enjoying yourself. Some of it is bound to be hard, but think about that frontier spirit of old and you will remember why you wanted do do it in the first place. It will work out in the end.
  3. Well i just read yerblog and I dont think your mad or evil:biglaugh: Its right about joe public firework throwing and dont start me on teenage trick or treaters being bused in to areas.
  4. The best of luck to you all in your adventure.
  5. Hi Shaggy, and there was me thinking you were going to say you were the singer:)
  6. Nikki, Go fot it, If you don't you will always regret it ( I have the t-shirt) You could always look upon it as an adventure and come back after two years if you didnt like it. Somehow, I don't think you would want to:D
  7. Dont forget there are more strikes coming.
  8. I can sense the excitement in your post. Enjoy yourself and have fun.
  9. Hi Ally, I would love to know more about this route, I was previously offfered this as an option but on seeking advice was told to be very carefull as it is not a permanent means of entry. Seeing as your doing and living it, could you perhaps pm me with the reality of it please? I did my Dip Man with the OU and the CIoM so I am genuinly interested in reading about your experience so far.
  10. Brilliant news. Congratulations on your promotions Ian and Pete.
  11. A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?" The Father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway!" Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: "You've got Male."
  12. Hey Nikki, it's a small world. You moved to Dav and I moved to Banbury. (North Oxfordshire dont ya know:wacko: )
  13. The best of luck for you and your family Mrs NPB
  14. I just had a quick check http://www.upmystreet.com Doesn't go by average prices, (once you register) it goes by actual price at the last sale. Which means, as you have probably already guessed, you can check what price houses are going for in a particular area. Where I live there are no houses that have less than four bedrooms, so working out an average price is much easier than were there are a mix of residential types.
  15. Sorry for the delay in replying, RW issues to deal with. You already have pm validation ie tracking, copy and read receipt of pms (which is bloatware until its deleted.) At least you havn't got Delete/delete or should I say I cant see that once a messasge delete request has been made that you then have to navigate to a seperate delete folder to confirm the delete, (as one has to do on instant forum software for example)
  16. well, its not like you actually have to read everything, just the requested. The government are reading this as I post it, there system is called........................................
  17. Know what you mean. Theres is a pm limit for the obvious reasons (server sppace costs) and then theres a maximum word limit (same) Vbulletin prefers SLIM people. Its even worse if you use a validation system for pm's
  18. There is a better house price web site that actually tells you what a house actually sold for since 20000 Up my street?
  19. you can save as txt to your hd cant you bro?
  20. I ditoo pete and guzzler, Is that BE that you refer to?
  21. THey normally sort it out between themselves:biglaugh:
  22. The ammers !!!! Im trying to rack my brains about them. ...no thats the spurs im thinking about:biglaugh: Duncan clan, I come from one of the biggest known Essex family's but funnily enough they all come from oop north really. We have a DNA project and you will probably find out that you re part of it too. The James DNA project is what its called, most of the work is being done in Perth.
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