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Everything posted by thebowensclan

  1. When do you need it for?End of September?
  2. Can anyone recommend a Doctor (one that will bulk bill) & a good Dentist please? We're moving to Tennyson in a couple of weeks and thought here would be a great start to trying to find one. Any ideas or recommendations are very much appreciated. Thank you
  3. We have two boys that will be starting, one will be going into the 2/3 class & the other in the 3/4 class. Wasn't sure at first about the composite classes but think they will work well for our boys. Hopefully, if you like the school our boys will be the 'newbies' together, less daunting for them. Let me know how you get on.
  4. Thank you for the info, went and had a look at Henley and really liked the school, not too big, good facilities and has that.....nice feeling about it. The Principle was great, & had an attitude of each child is an individual, which surprising as it may seem was refreshing. So all in all a big thumbs up Jinxy, I've just PM you so thank you in advance
  5. Thank you, we're going to have a look tomorrow so may pick your brains after if you don't mind.
  6. Many thanks, it's great to get firsthand feedback. We had a look today at West Lakes Shore Primary & also the kindy, both seemed really nice. Reception & years 1 & 2 have a real open plan feel about them but still had a feel of being organised. Think we prefer this, just going to have a look at Henley Primary tomorrow & then we'll make up our minds.Does anyone have any info about West Lakes or Henley?
  7. We are looking at Grange Primary School, West Lakes Shore & Henley Primary and was wondering whether anyone knows of them or has children at the schools?We would just like to gather as much info about the schools, good and bad please?Many thanks
  8. We arrived on Saturday and are interested in the Tennyson and West Lakes areas as possible places to live. We have four young children aged 2-7, hubby will be working in CBD, therefore would really appreciate any info on these areas - ie, transport links, schools, neighbourhoods, things to do/see. Look forward to hearing back!
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