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  1. Hi Kerry, The test consists of writting, listening ,reading and oral test. The reading consists of reading a piece of text and extracting information from it to answer some questions. The listening exam, you listen to a tape recording then answer some multiple choice questions based on what you just heard. For the reading part, I would swat up on punctuation, spelling, and how to correctly set out a letter. I think I had to write a letter to my local council complaining about the rubbish, I also had to write a short essay on my thoughts for and against children being left home alone. They are looking for you to display good reasoning skills and a good range of vocabulary so plenty of big words!! For the oral test, I had to talk about myself, where I lived, any local issues and about my personal views on issues such as climate change and the global economy etc. the exams are pretty much like when you were at school, no talking or looking around the room, put your pen down when told etc. The oral test was easy and the assessors are really nice and will put you at ease. Do you have any preferences on which suburbs you would like to live in? North or South of Adelaide etc? My daughter was 16 when we arrived in January so I don't know much about primary schools etc, but others will be able to help more if you have an idea of where you would to settle.
  2. Hi Bal, We are currently in the Isle of Man however my husband is originally from Birmingham, like yourself! We would like to settle in the Seaford/Noarlunga area but have never been before. We are stopping in one of Tamara's (from this site) properties when we come over in January. We have no friends or relatives, just decided there is more to life and to get out there and explore it! We will both be leaving well paid jobs to take the plunge into the unknown- very scary, but if you worry about everything you will never get anywhere or do anything different. I think Oz will offer my daughter so much more than the UK and the life style that we have seen from visits to Perth are much more our style - more lively than the Isle of Man but not as fast paced as the UK cities. I love being out doors and the Oz lifestyle and weather is sooo appealing! I am a bank manager and have been applying for loads of jobs but the underlying message from all prospective employers seems to be that they are not interested until you get there, which is understandable. I do worry about getting a job but my other half is not worried at all. He says he will just do what ever comes along and that we will be fine! My daughter wants to finish her GCSE's and she is doing so well I would feel bad for moving her just now. Also her prom will give her a good opportunity to say goodbye to all her friends(and she has already picked out her dress!) so looks like we will not be making the big move till June 14. Seems such a long time off but I'm sure it will fly by!! Can't wait! Xx
  3. I also have a 16 year old daughter and hope to move in the next six months. Fortunately she does not have a boyfriend (at the moment!) I have always said to her to keep her options open. She can always come back if she really hates it but she has to try first. If she doesn't come with us, she won't have an Australian visa and will then have no choice but to stay in the UK. I sympathise with you and dread being in the same situation myself. I think the important thing is getting your visa's and getting them validated. Once that has been done, you have 5 years to sort everthing out. She may return to the Uk while you stay in Oz and find that she hates being on her own, or you may all decide that Oz is not for you - or you could all love it!! I think she needs to understand that she needs to try living in Oz before she makes a decision, as long as she knows that plans can be made for her to come back at a later date, she may be more willing to give it a try? Good luck xx
  4. Hi every one, my husband, my daughter and I have state sponsorship and have applied for the main visa 21.12.12. Not been allocated a CO yet but we are keen to get everything ready before hand. Can any one tell me if we will need a Criminal Record Check/Police Check for my 15yr old daughter? If we do, how do i provide 2 proofs of address for her? Thanks for your help.
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