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Posts posted by evojoan

  1. Hi

    My son is having orthodontic treatment in the UK which unfortunately will not be completed before a possible move to Adelaide later this year (dependent on state sponsorship and a visa invite). We are hoping to come over on a 489 visa so could anyone help recommend a good orthodontist who could continue his treatment or some advice from any parents who have transferred their teenagers orthodontic care to Australia. Many thanks x

  2. My OH has been unable to get the 7's needed for the Skilled - Nominated (subclass 190) Visa, so we have decided to go for the above visa and the SA sponsorship/EOI went in just before Christmas.


    My question is, would it be advisable to re-take the IELTS test to try and get the 7's needed for the permanent visa or has anyone else gone to SA on a provisional visa and are there any pitfalls with going down this route.


    Any advise would be appreciated Thanks

  3. Hi NicF

    Thats my dilema at the moment as he wants to live near the beach but I would like to give him the chance of a good education without steep housing costs. I have been looking at Goodwood as an area to live as this is within the catchment area for Glenunga and about 18 minutes to the beach. Do you know what the area is like ? Have you bought the land and house already ? What do you think of Adelaide ? How long have you been there and have your children settled ? Is there plenty to do for teens. Sorry for all the questions. Thanks

  4. Hello

    I have been researching High Schools for my 14 year old son who is in year 9 in the UK. I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on the following schools.


    Glenunga International High school

    Marryatville High School

    Adelaide High School


    I would be grateful for peoples views who have children at these schools to give feedback on the good and bad aspects of these schools.


    Many thanks

  5. Hi, we have started with a migration agent in the uk for a state sponsored visa. My OH has been unable to get 7's in the IELTS test, he is only 0.5 off each time. He has applied for a job in Adelaide ? We have been told by the employment agency that they use a company to arrange the 457 visa at a cost of $2600 but as we have already started with our migration agent we will continue to use their services.


    Which would be quicker ? To continue with a state sponsored visa or the 457 ?


    Any advice anyone ?

  6. Please could anyone offer their advice on the best secondary schools in and around Adelaide ? Our son was 14 years old on 2 September and in year 9 in the uk. What year would he be in when the new term starts in February in Australia ?


    Any other help and advice would be much appreciated, thanks

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