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Everything posted by PommiePattons

  1. Thanks for the replies very helpful
  2. Hi all, just been thinking about how best to build my credit rating. Let me explain, the plan is rent for our first year and by then we would have sold our house in the uk and be in a position to get a mortgage. We are looking to buy a couple of cars when we come over, is it worth having one on a bit of finance that we pay off within the year just to have some credit history? any advice welcome Anthony
  3. I would highly recommend Qatar Airways, we flew with them last January. Great times if you don't want a stop over about an hour each way. Service was superb
  4. Thanks, no problems with house as renting it out.
  5. Hi all, Well yet another family making the move down under. Love the forum as it is great to hear everyone's experiences and makes my wife and I feel that we are going to have a great time when we arrive. After our visa coming through in record time we are on the roller coaster of getting everything sorted to allow us to fly out late march. Looking forward to meeting some of you when we arrive, we have a 2 year old who will need some new friends as well as us. anthony
  6. Hi we will be arriving in March and will be near Glenelg. We have a 2 year old that will be looking to make friends as well as her mummy and daddy
  7. Hi all, can anyone please explain the different types of air conditioning. Looking at houses and there seems to be several versions. i get the ducted, but then there is all the other bits. Would welcome feedback on what is best as well please thanks anthony
  8. Hi, In the process of applying for a 187 visa - State Sponsored Permanent Residency. I am in the fortunate position of being sponsored by a large company and was wondering whether anyone else has gone through this process before, not found much on here about 187 visa's. I have been told about 6 months for the visa to be approved, this is the same as the website says but do you think having a company supporting your application helps/shortens the time? The company in question has a firm of lawyers doing the application for them if that will make any difference? thanks for any replies in advance Anthony
  9. Hi all, In the process of applying for my visa and with the legislation change on the 475 our visa application has changed to a regional skilled migration scheme. I am being sponsered by a company in Adelaide so this will help but was wondering what the key differences in the 2 visas are and what the timelines are for the new visa. I was told the 475 would go though in about 4 weeks, but potentially the other visa could take up to 6 months?? Also I was told that if we chose to go back to the UK the superannuation could be claimed back, would this be the same on the new visa? I have tried searching(here and google) but cannot find the relevant answers, so hoping the forum could help a newbie out Thanks Anthony
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