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Everything posted by andi

  1. Mark, when do you fly out. Its 6 weeks for us now and i think i have just stuck my head in the sand as everyone around me is getting so emotional and im worried its going to hit me at the last minute. We still havnt packed anything!!
  2. Hi Mark We have just booked a 1 bed furnished place in Glenelg, we dont go until Sept so cant give feedback on what they are like but ideally positioned and the lady we have booked through was great as we dont really know how long we need it for she was fine to book for 8 weeks but can extend. If you want the info let me know and il pm you
  3. We are flying with Etihad and despite phoning and emailing them i cant get anywhere with them even though im a guest member. My tickets say 20kg each but they have told me by phone i can have 23kg and 30kg but they dont seem very confident. My internal flights are with Quantas and they offer extra pre-booked baggage at a really good rate but Etihads rates are £30 per kg! When i ask about migrants allowances they just act dumb. Guess il just have to wear 20 layers of clothes!
  4. andi

    aqf III

    Hi Den I didnt realise state sponsorship had been affected too but i suppose if you need it to get to the top of the visa list there will be more people applying. Hold in there, the state sponsorship was our easiest part and visa wasnt too long either think about 4 and 6 weeks. The TRA was our worst part and took about 18months. Good luck
  5. andi

    aqf III

    Hi Jo Have checked out the website and this seems to be just what we were looking for. Have emailed them. With getting the AQF 3 did you still have to do submit a ridiculously long winded TRA question 8 on your appliation. Thanks for the info, have you got your visa yet?
  6. andi

    aqf III

    Yeah if you could give me some more info that would be great. I had heard that there was a practical assessment you had to undergo which was quite pricey but not sure how you find out where the assessment centres are. Once you did the online assessment did you still have to apply to TRA? Thanks again
  7. andi

    aqf III

    Hi I have just seen your thread and wonder if you found anything out. My son is a solid plasterer and has been for 7 years but trained via a self employed local company so doesnt have and qualifications. Do you know of a course in the UK which will give him his qualifications to enable him to obtain his TRA. Failing that we could look within Adelaide for when he visits us Thanks
  8. Wendy Dont be too hard on yourself, you have obviously thought this through a lot and if you only have a few months to decide you are doing the right thing. Validate your visa and then take your time and make sure you are doing the right thing. You never know after being out there again you may change your mind again!! (we are allowed you know). I have had a bit of good news both my children have now changed their minds again and said they will follow us in 2-3 years. Keeping fingers crossed. Keep in touch and come for a BBQ when you come back over. Good luck
  9. andi

    Air Freight

    Thanks for that, maybe i will just use my container and have to wait although im also using John Masons so will get a quote from them.
  10. andi

    Air Freight

    Can anyone recommend a cheap but good air freight company. Due to internal flights (stopping at Melbourne first) we only have 20kg of baggage allowance. I just cant wait for my container for the rest of my clothes and shoes etc. It doesnt have to be door to door we are happy to drop off at a depot in Leeds or at Manchester airport and collect at Adelaide airport. Fedex quoted over £1000 for 3 bags and then got down to £530, it would be cheaper to pay excess baggage on the flight!! Thanks Andrea
  11. I know this is asking about something you posted a while ago but can you recommend the air freight company you used
  12. I know exactly how you feel, you spend so much time hoping the visa will come through and how great it will be. When it finally happens the reality of what you are going to leave behind hits you. I think we are probably scared of the unknown and i know i have really good days and really bad days. I really dont know how i will get through the last few days but am just trying to make everyday with my family count at the minute. Dont worry from what ive been told this is all normal and who wouldnt be a wreck when you consider what you are doing. Take a deep breath, look at your old photos with a nice glass of Australian wine and you will be back on track in no time. We go in 2 months so il keep an extra bottle in the fridge for when you arrive.
  13. Is it just dried flower arrangements that you cant take as i have a lot of silk or fake flower arrangement? Where is the best place to buy Jeyes Fluid as i really need to start on the cleaning?
  14. andi

    Car Information

    We are selling my trusty ford focus in the uk to my son so will have about $8k to spend on another car including all fees related to this. Can anyone give me an idea of the best car to buy, looking for something like a ford fiesta or focus in size and in the UK these cars are good value and cheaper to get fixed and insured. What fees will i have to budget for? Is there anything i have to look out for ie in the UK the larger engine the higher to road tax and insurance. We have only hired a car for a week so really looking to buy as soon as we get over so want to do my homework via the net before i get there. We are staying in Glenelg to start with so if anyone can recommend any reputable garages within 30 miles or so, i would appreciate it.
  15. Hi Karen we arrive just after you and have booked furnished accommodation for 8 weeks with the possibility of extending to 13 incase the container is late. We can only use 23kg due to internal flight restrictions so are looking into using air freight for other essentials. Let me know how you get on it would be nice to see how you settle in. Thanks everyone for the tips especially photo ideas. I didnt realise your laptop is classed separately if so i will certainly use the space. I also thought you couldnt bring food items as i wanted to bring coffee over?
  16. Wow Sheila You make it sound so exciting and easy, im terrified but these posts are helping. Now the flights have been booked and given notice at work Martin is getting really worried (probably as we are coming without jobs) but hoping we will be ok. Thanks for the update and keep them coming especially any tips you can offer for our preparation and first few days there. Good luck and i hope you and the family settle in. Hope we can meet up in September. We arrive 10th September so if anyone knows of any meets after that time then please let me know as we dont know anyone.
  17. Thanks for the info. We received an emailed regarding OAA and they are stopping it in July and although they will be doing something (preffered suppliers list i think) they dont know when this will be ready). If anybody hears anything will they let me know but will sort out a backup plan.
  18. Can anyone give advice on an australian driving licence, i know we have to apply within 3 months but my OT has a chance to renew his HGV (heavy goods/long goods) driving licence at a cost in the UK (only lasts 10 years), so wanted to know would this be valid in Oz without having to take other tests. He hasnt used it for a while but worth bringing along if it helps get a job. Thanks Andi
  19. Hi Lawrence Thanks or the heads up, is there any chance you can forward me the email so i can check out the URL,s they are offering. thanks everyone as usual you have been so helpfulo
  20. I am ready to apply for my OAA but dont really want to book a back up accommodation incase i loose my deposit. Am arriving in Sept, i have heard families get priority, what do you think our chances are as there are only 2 of us. I know you dont get to know until 3 weeks before you fly, but am trying to sort out a time scale of when to send our furniture accross. Any help or advice would be welcome.
  21. Hi Sheila Just thinking of you flying out tomorrow, you must be in turmoil. Good luck and wish you all the best. Jonny, you fly the same time as us but guess been in Norwich you wont fly with us from Manchester. Anyway good luck and hope to meet you on the brighter side
  22. That is the part im not looking forward to, we have just over 3 months left so all summer to spend with friends and family (and we are so close), although i dont know if i will crack when i have to say goodbye to my boys and my beautiful granddaughter. We have barely spent a day apart all their lives. Sheila please let me know how you get on once you get there. GOOD LUCK
  23. Thanks, my best friend is a solicitor so i know she will certify them. 12 weeks is a long time my OT only took 4 weeks (each time!!). Well i better get working on them. Thanks again
  24. I am doing my sons TRA myself and know how hard it is but my question is does every piece of paper im sending have to be certified (my agent did ours so not sure). I know certificates and passport etc needs to be but i will be sending lots of info for question 8 plus photos and references does every single page need certifying? If anyone has any help or advice for a gas fitter please let me know as worried about skill pathway A, as he started his 3 year college/work apprenticeship in June 2006 finished his college exams in Sept 2009, but then kept training at work until this month when he is now on his own, but unsure about fulfuling the 4 year rule as dates are not cut and dried. On paper he is 1 month short but still working in the trade.
  25. Congrats guess the voodoo worked then!
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