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Everything posted by andi

  1. Just a quick thank you for your kind and supporting words, after a surprisingly good nights sleep i feel a lot better this morning. I am looking forward to the journey and spending time getting to know Adelaide, but still really scared too. Hopefully will meet up soon as definately going to some of the meets. Also been invited to the local rugby league grand final on 12th Sept (i think) so hoping to meet people there.
  2. It is exciting and we have waiting so long am just scared of leaving my children and granddaughter behind. It will break my heart not seeing them everyday. skyp downloaded today to make sure all family know how to use it before i go.
  3. We are on a state sponsorship permanent visa 176, but it wasnt all plain sailing and took nearly 2 years from submitted the first TRA. I now have to start the whole process again for my son who will qualify next month for his 4 years in the trade as a gas fitter. Although at least he is young enough to come on a working holiday visa if he decides he wants to join us before then. Keep trying as they changed the rules all the time and sometimes in your favour.
  4. Having a panic attack, we have booked our one way flights today (8th Sept) and i dont know if we have done the right thing. On paper we have a good life in the uk, great family, friends, jobs, home and we are going to leave it all behind. I have wanted to do this for many years, mainly for the kids but now they are adults and staying behind (although Mike is joining us when he gets his visa). We are going to arrive with no job, no home, no friends and not as much money as we hoped. Please tell me you are all having these worried thoughts and it is worth it. Seeing how upset my mum was today was awful and i know its going to get worse. There is just so much to do. Is this normal?
  5. I will certainly do that for you. 19th!! my stress levels would be through the roof. We have news too, my boys have decided to rent my house from me along with a friend (yeah i know 3 men in my tice tidy clean house) so we are going to book our flights this weekend and will arrive in Adelaide in September, and i dont think thats enough time. We have no jobs, no accomodation and dont know anyone!! GOOD LUCK to you and let me know how you get on.
  6. I know we both said it will be like getting married again and starting off with no kids. Probably just as hard work too!!
  7. could you give me info on the coach company you used for the trip from Adelaide to Alice Springs. Thanks
  8. I wonder if anyone could help, we are hoping to migrate to Adelaide in September but as yet a date hasnt been decided. Our plan has always been to renew our wedding vows on our 25th wedding anniversary on 12th October in Oz. As we will probably be so busy sorting everything else out could anybody recommend a company, person or venue so we could book everything before we arrive. Either beach, boat or other ideas welcome. We would just like a service with photos (professional photos not necessary) followed by a meal either at venue or after. It will just be the 2 of us (dont know anyone in Adelaide) so something simple but nice is all we are really looking for. Thanks for any ideas.
  9. Could anybody advise on a short term furnished rental for Sept/Oct 2010. There will just be my and my hubby so a motel, studio apartment will suffice. Something cheap but nice. We are hoping to get a long term rental around Hallett Cove to Trott Park area but will consider anything not too far away from Adelaide for out initial stay. Thanks
  10. Oh no i better not mention that to OT. We knew rugby league was mainly in the East as we follow NRL and even saw the State of Origin and a Broncos game in Brisbane. Even in Darwin they have a great set up although no NRL teams. We hoped Adelaide Rams would get back into the NRL but doesnt look like it but thought there would be some good amateur teams. Although i suppose there is always Foxtel.
  11. Thanks for that, will defo give them a view when i get there. Anything to get the OT out of my hair. Well we have finally decided that we are not going to spend a few thousand pounds coming out in October to validate our visa and have now dropped the price on the house (just to see) if not looking into renting it until the market picks up over hear. All being well we will be there by October - OMG!!
  12. The news is the market is picking up and there are few sold signs around but it is taking its time and the repossessions are bringing the prices down. Our estate agent said the lower end are moving. We also bought in Spain and lost the lot so its not good at all for us. Anyway we made a big decision last night and decided to drop the price of the house for a couple of months only (cant afford to loose on that house too) and if no luck we are going to rent (until the market picks up) and be over there by October. We have savings to last us a fews months etc but with just being to 2 of us to start with (prepared to do any work) think we will be ok. Just rough it a bit!!
  13. We are front Middleton (right opposite the park), and its raining!! We had a lovely sunny Saturday so guess thats our summer over with. How long have you been out there, and any tips. Hope to meet up soon.
  14. Hi Tony Wow you have had a massive few day, hope we will be as organised when we get there. My son plays rugby league although he has now changed his mind and isnt coming with us but is there any venue's in Adelaide for rugby league. Keep the posts coming and hope to meet up soon.
  15. Hi Helen Am so jealous as cant wait to come over. Just waiting to sell the house although i am now thinking of renting it. Please keep the posts coming as any advice or views would be great. Hope to meet up soon as if i have my way i will be over by October at the latest. Enjoy
  16. I know what you mean about the noose thing, we feel like that about the house in spain, first time we ever used money on our home to better ourselves and it has bitten us in the arse! I feel the same about renting the house in the uk as just want to get to Oz but worried i will make another housing mistake. I love my house/home hear and cant bear the fact that somebody might ruin it. From what weve seen the rent will easily pay the mortgage although am sure there will be all sorts of cost the letting agent hasnt told me about yet. Think i need to have a serious talk with the hubby. Thanks for your thoughts
  17. I know what you mean after 2 years of the visa process we received ours end of last year and put the house on the market in Jan but no takers (dont say it, i did want to put the house up then but hubby wudnt) and we dont really want to waste money coming over to validate our visa. We are also thinking of renting out our house but that means all our money will be tied up in the UK. Does anyone have any experience of renting in the UK whilst in Oz, we have a property in Spain which is a nightmare (lost all money on that one). What i really want to say is, is it worth renting out your UK house?
  18. Good luck and hope to see you as soon as the house is sold, i just cant wait
  19. Congratulation and sorry about your sad news. My dad died 2 days before we got our confirmation but at least i did get to go and tell him in the chapel of rest (sure he had a hand in it coming through so quickly). It is hard to know they wont be coming to visit you. My only support is that you were in the uk and with your family at the time. Good luck
  20. Im surprised they didnt cut that bit out as i was told not to say i didnt want an apartment. Surprised they showed us apartments and not houses as i briefed them, plus properties over budget although think with only being filmed in a few cities they were running out of properties. The ones they showed us were not for sale and just friend of friends. I cant complain though about the editing as thats part of the show and we did get to visit a few cities after filming. If you like the show you should try relocation down under which was on Friday.
  21. My hubby was a special class electrician for 17 years for yorkshire electricity and his tra was rejected twice even though we tried to appeal. There version of this job is different to ours. Due to these qualifications and the fact he now works as a satellite engineer we applied again under a new job code (electronic equipment tradesperson). His boss was great and joined the 2 references together. Our agent said we didnt have a chance so much so he sent the paperwork back to us for us to post ourselves. We included lots of references from companies he did work for, loads of photos and wrote a large cover piece about the change. Not sure if it made a difference but it was granted. I know the gas fitter job is on the CSL. Good luck
  22. andi

    Wanted down under.

    Hi Lee & Donna This is the website for the expo http://www.expo-australia.com/ and think it is the G Mex in Manchester. Me and Tanya are meeting up before and after Sat session (anyone welcom). I notice from your profile your in Manchester, do you know of a good meeting point, pub/bar/food near to the arena that we will all find.
  23. andi

    Wanted down under.

    Thats great, im at work too (sooooo busy) wells its friday. Ive just notice your email address so i will send you an email.
  24. andi

    Wanted down under.

    I also rang and asked them if my dad would be on the show so am prepared, i will also download yours and my program. At least you will have the visa for your son so if he decides not to come straight away it is always there for him. I will be making sure i have completed my sons TRA before i leave, he isnt getting away with it that easily. I would love to meet up soon, I worked in Liverpool for a while although it was over 10 years ago. I have however heard there is a jobs expo in Manchester in March if you had any plans to go we could meet up there (its about in the middle).
  25. andi

    Wanted down under.

    We were filmed in July in Darwin and are on next wed (episode 13!!), Martin and Andrea from Leeds. We are lucky and since the show have our visa in place but it took 2 years. You will see my sons on the show and they wont be coming with us just yet as now have to apply for their visa in their own right, you will also see my gorgeous grand daughter whom it will kill me to leave behind (i noticed you feel the same about your niece). My work are giving me some stick about the show and keep threatening to put it on at work but knowing my late father will be on the show i know they wont really do it. I havnt even told them ive applied for a visa let alone i have the visa and leaving soon!! I like you are really positive about the move and really cant wait although ive had a few sleepless nights and sure there are more to come.
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