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Everything posted by natalieandjamesoz

  1. Hi Jon, are you still looking for a carpenter?
  2. Hi Dan & Beccy, I am not sure how I missed these messages sorry! Would have loved to meet up...Please let me know if you are planning to meet up again?
  3. Hi Kerri, sorry for the late reply! I can't seem to work out how to PM you? We live in Henley Beach- what about you? x
  4. Hi Sarah, Bit of a long shot, but are you still looking for someone? I have experience working as a receptionist, administrator, data entry and as a payroll administrator...if you are still looking please let me know and I will send my CV across. Thanks, Natalie
  5. Hi Dean, We are a couple from Liverpool (27 & 28) and arrived in Adelaide 2 weeks ago....we don't know anyone here and would love to meet up with some fellow scousers! What part of Liverpool are you from?
  6. Hi Girls, I've been in Adelaide for 2 weeks now and don't know anyone so would love to meet up if anyone has anything planned? I'm 27 and moved here with my boyfriend, we're both from Liverpool. x
  7. Hi Everyone, we moved to Adelaide about 2 weeks ago and don't know anyone so would be up for meeting up with a few people. We are a couple (27 & 28) from Liverpool...
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