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  1. Thank you so much I will get some and try
  2. One of the company's in England Stuck on you have an Oz website you can order exactly the same label as England!!
  3. Hi am am a keen baker and in England I used stork to make cupcakes/cakes etc. I have looked in the supermarket but I am struggling to find anything similar. Can anyone who also bakes cakes tell me what they use, or point me in the right direction please. Thank you Lisa
  4. Hi, I moved to Adelaide in December with my husband and 4 boys. We live in Henley Beach. My children are going to school at Henley High School and Henley Beach Primary. Are there any other mums out there that would like to meet up for a chat as I haven't yet made any friends from school and I am missing chatting with my friends back home. Thank you very much​
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