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Weight Loss at Adelaide

Guest jasmine

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Guest jasmine

You are just arrived at adelaide .You dont know the weight loss centres or clinics. So I just put here some weght loss tips .

Drink enough water: Drink 8-10 glasses of water everyday 10-15 minutes before and after meals. Don't opt juice instead of water. Cold water is preferred to normal. Keep your body hydrated. Even exercise requires enough water.

Get more fiber: Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines, making digestive system work more efficiently and may even directly help in weight loss.

try these <rubbish spammy site with laughably bad grammar edited out!:biglaugh:> tips for your health

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  • 1 month later...
Guest katsmajic

Weight loss when you get to Adelaide is impossible! Way too much food and alcohol to try - and you have to be sociable ;)


I reckon most people gain in the first year then work like mad to get it off and keep it off there after.....

The water tip is a good one - try it hot/warm with a slice of lemon too....you wont believe how much water you'll drink come the summer.

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Guest cornish Busdriver
She thinks were all fat :biglaugh:


Hell i am, ive put on 10 kilo's since being here :biglaugh:

Think its part fault of bbq, steaks, beer, steaks, beer possibly more beer and the fact i also think its part of a busdrivers job description to have a bit of a belly.:biglaugh:

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Guest WhatNow?

Must admit, when I first saw that post I thought it was dodgy! Couldn't even spell 'weight' (bit of a giveaway!) Mind you when I was a systems manager I once received an application for an analyst programmer job from someone who spelled 'computer' 'computor' all the way through his CV!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Mitchell

(2) Squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water and add 2 tsp. of honey to it. Take it daily for four months to shed obesity. This will prevents weight loss.

Well if this prevents weight loss I won't be trying this one then! Pmsl :D

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