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A question for the ladies!!!

Guest JayandEm

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Guest JayandEm

I wondered if anyone could let me know how cervical screening works in SA. I had abnormal cells removed about 4 years ago but still have to get checked every 9 months (it was every 6 months to start). Do you choose how often you go for a test or does your doctor tell you when you need to have one? Also, would the fact I had abnormal cells have any effect on the outcome of my medical? I have had approx 6 clear results since the operation. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Emma

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The standard is to be tested every 2yrs from when you become sexually active. I'm sure it would not be a problem to go more often. I ended up having to pay for the labwork (I think because I'm not PR yet so still on the reciprocal health thingo) but the GP visit was covered under medicare.

If you've been clear for 6 tests, I think you should be ok with the medical, but obviously you'd want to check with someone who knows a bit more than me. Maybe drop George Lombard a call/email, he's a (highly recommended on pomsinoz) sydney based agent who has a doctor on his team, he'd be able to tell you for sure.

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Guest sarahtwinn82

Hi, I had exactly the same problem only I had to have a loop excision for pre cancer about 6 months before we came to Oz. We arrived last August and I just took myself to the local GP and explained my history to her so she just did a smear there and then, the GP bulk bills so it didn't cost a thing not even lab fees and I'm only on a 457 visa. If you would like my GP adress just message me. She said if I was clear I would be recalled in 2 yrs or I could pop along at anytime after 6 months and she'll repeat it for peace of mind. ( Luckily it was all clear).

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Guest Guest5035

you can pay to have it done privately, my oh has had a bout with the same problem, all clear for the past few years, but she goes yearly without question. In the UK, her first time, the system and treatment was crap, here its brilliant



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Guest Guest5035
or I could pop along at anytime after 6 months and she'll repeat it for peace of mind. ( Luckily it was all clear).


Any of you girls that don't go yearly have got rocks in your head.this is coming from a bloke who watched his beloved go through hell not once or twice but 3 times, and she was tested every 2 years,now its yearly.



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Guest JayandEm

Thank you all so much for the information and for taking the time to reply. It's great to be able to come on here and ask questions that would otherwise be difficult to find the answer to from the UK - top site! And Stevo, I totally agree, your smear test is a potential life saver! Had Jade Goody been eligible for a test (you don't get tested over here until your 26!!) she might well still be here now.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest gabriel
I wondered if anyone could let me know how cervical screening works in SA. I had abnormal cells removed about 4 years ago but still have to get checked every 9 months (it was every 6 months to start). Do you choose how often you go for a test or does your doctor tell you when you need to have one? Also, would the fact I had abnormal cells have any effect on the outcome of my medical? I have had approx 6 clear results since the operation. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Emma


Hiya I dont go on here much - go on PIO more - but noticed your post & hopefully I can put your mind at rest! I too had a loop excision done 2 weeks ago & had my medical at the bridge clinic maidenhead last week, obviously I was really worried this may come up but it didn't. The only thing was i am waiting for my urine sample result as there was a trace of blood in sample. I started my period the next day so could have been either. My friend had her medicals done in Manchester the week before & she did not get asked either, although I think at a london clinic someone did.


Good Luck with your visa



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