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Another BBQ - Birthday BBQ. Any Newcomers Welcome!!!!


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To All,


It's that time again for another BBQ/party at ours. Our previous one we had for my wife, Jane's 40th birthday BBQ at the end of January 2011 was a really good celebration, with over 63 people turning up - a great turn out. This time it is my daughter's 18th Birthday celebrations.


Same guidelines as last time. Therefore I would like very much for all younger adults (male and female) to come and celebrate my daughter 'Shannon' birthday on the Saturday 16th April 2011. This will help you sociaslise with people of your own age and meet new friends. I am suggesting that we commence around (5.00 p.m.) at our home in Ferryden Park (North West), which is 9km from the CBD, near Woodville, Kilkenny, Athol Park, Angle Park and Croydon. This will help people to chat/socialise and a have drink, I will even put some BBQ food on.


In addition we have Mam's and Dad's who are welcome as well. I would like all newcomers to join in, nice way to meet people who have been through the same experiences. I have found it hard to bring older teenagers/younger adults to Adelaide and for them to leave all their friends back in the UK, so come here and meet people your own age, who feel the same as you and have been or are going through the same as you. Every time we have a BBQ new people come and its great. Also I want the regulars to come along as well.


If you would like to come, please can you inform me via this post or you can PM me if you require further details or you want me to keep you informed via telphone/text message, leave your details via PM. Each and everyone who states that they would like to come I will contact you via PM or telephone or text message with our address and which buses you can catch from the CBD.


Bring your drink and nibbles remember and hopefully see you on Saturday 16th April 2011.


Thanks and I hope to see you soon!!!!




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