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Stupid Question - So Sorry In Advance

Guest happy-jools

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Guest happy-jools

This may sound like a really silly question, but though I would ask you guys first, as Im not sure of the answer.


When we leave to go to Adelaide (june 08) do we have to tell anyone. I.e like tax, and NI people. Not that Im suggesting fraudulently claiming anything, but do we tell them in advance of us going, or what.


Its weird, i mean can we leave the country without telling anyone that were going for a few years at least, or do we have too. And how would they find out if we didnt tell them


See told you it was a weird one.



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Guest happy-jools

Obviously missed that post earlier in January. But thanks for the Link Pete. Very Very helpful.


Not sure if i could cope with the guilt of not telling people, as Im one of those people that "they" would catch up with - and end up with a hefty fine. :arghh:

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You and me both. :biglaugh:Also best not to burn bridges. I know of someone that bought a house full of stuff on HP and left the country with it before the first payment was due along with all the stuff. I reckon they would be waiting at the airport for him should he ever want to return. :policeman::policeman::biglaugh:



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Guest Guzzler&Sas

Hi there

We told everyone we needed to when we left and still got lots of payments - tax credit and family allowance paid into our account for weeks/months after. However, due to the reciprical (can't spell) agreement, once you sign up for your Medicare, they can track you and come hunting for money.


We have been here about 19 months now and have just set up direct debits to pay all these overpayments back even though we tried and tried to stop them .....


Not sure about other scams and buying stuff on HP - think we must be a bit too honest and goody two shoes to do that ....




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Guest Tracijbc

Also, don't forget to put a password on your credit file just to prevent anyone who knows you are leaving that might not be all that honest from taking out any dodgy credit in your name once you have gone. Drop an email to customerservice@creditexpert.co.uk and just give them your name, address, date of birth and the password you want and they will add it on to your credit file. Call me paranoid if you like, but I work in the credit industry at the moment, and you'd be amazed at how often it actually happens, normally less than honest mates and family members are the perps!! :policeman:




Traci x

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Don't forget to tell Doctors surgeries as well - I only realised when I received a snotty letter for not making immunisation appointments :err:


Tax Credits are a bl**dy nightmare! Our address on our file come to us here, there is note on our file saying we left the country (rang them up several times to tell them again but it is a 'different department who processes the changes'. So why then do we have a letter stating that they have been trying to contact us on our old phone number but no reply! :arghh:


Still paying us too although I'm sure they will want it back!


Rant over :chatterbox:



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Lea they keep paying for ages, been there done that, read the book, worn the t-shirt and waved the scarf.


After qritting and phoning them several times I stopped, then they sent me a letter saying I owed THEM, cheeky ****es. :arghh: On the letter there was space for us to say why we didn't think we should pay it back, I just wrote 'see attached photocopies of letter's I've sent to you about me leaving the country, this over payment was your error and not mine'. I never heard off them again.

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