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Work very slow

roscoand teri

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Hey every1. Can any1 give me advice on the following matter. Ive been here for 4 months now and been working at best, part time as a plumbers mate. I am on a 176 ss and was wondering how you get in touch with sa immigration for help with finding employment. I checked out their skills matching service but it says they are no longer doing this service. Also tried sending an email but that never worked. Although im not the best with computers. I have filled in the first update email they sent me sayin i was not happy with my employment status. Im seriously starting to think about moving interstate due to the lack of work in the adelaide area. So basicaly im asking do sa immigration even try to help in any way or are you just on your own. Any advice is much appreciated.

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Things are slow at the moment, but don't give up as there is a lot of work coming through in Adelaide, I have been told that other cities are the same as well but maybe not a slow if you were to be looking interstate check out Perth. I am working for a local builder as a site manager so I get to know who is busy or not I will ask around for you and PM will you with what I find.

Send me a PM with what you have done in the past, most agencies well just take your number at the moment as no employers are approaching them but via word of mouth, its who you know at the moment but that will change soon.

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If you want to share a removals truck to Victoria let me know. I've been advised by agencies to go over to Melbourne, as Adelaide is becoming a joke for certain areas of work. I've been looking since new year, and there's nothing even advertised and people are losing their jobs left, right and centre. I work in architecture, but the whole building trade has slowed right down in the past 12 months.


Good luck finding something full time, but maybe set yourself a cut-off date and if nothing by then have a look interstate. I don't think it's compulsory you stay in SA and if there's no work it's pointless and they shouldn't have sponsored you if they couldn't guarantee you work.

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I have a site manager from a Melbourne company who has come to Adelaide to do a job here next to mine. I will ask him who is busy in Melbourne and the best firms to approach. Your right Leigh they shouldn’t give out sponsors if there is no work unfortunately the problems with credit around the world has made it hard for investors to get any sort of backing at the moment.

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