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Advice please?

Guest bidsandrew

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Guest bidsandrew

Hi, I am having huge problems with a service not being provided that we are paying for and no one is anwering my calls or emails - who can I take it further to? Is there something like citizens advice/watchdog etc in Oz?




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Can you stop paying for the service?


If so can you go and get the service somewhere else?


If they want your service they will come asking for there money and you can get your service again (if you want it).


Depends on what the service you are talking about to the answer to your question.


We could do with knowing what the service is without naming the provider then we can point you in the correct direction.



Hope to have some more info soon.


Rob an Mel

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Guest moonraker1959

I'm guessing you're paying for the "service"via either direct debit or standing order?Can you perhaps contact your bank and get it cancelled?Then obviously when the service contacts you to enquire where the payment is,you can tell them they did'nt provide the service!!!

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