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Our Forthcoming Relocation

Guest Gail C

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Guest Gail C

Hi All,


Our family of four are relocating to Adelaide in July/Aug this year (we're just waiting on the 457 visa process being completed), so I thought it would be beneficial to make contact with fellow Brits that have went through the Migration process before, and who are undertaking the process at the moment, like us. Poms in Adelaide sounds ideal for this!! :)))


I am going to be working as a Midwife at Calvary North Adelaide Hospital, which I'm really looking forward to and my husband Gary, who owns a fibre optic company in Scotland, is going to be working with the University of Adelaide once our two girls (aged 11 & 6) are settled into Aussie life and are settled in at school. We are still trying to sell our home in Scotland and we hope to secure a rental property with around a 20 minute commute from the hospital. Lots to investigate and organise before we leave the UK, so any pointers from you all would be very much appreciated, thank you so much in advance.


I look forward to communicating with you all on the PomsinAdelaide Forum over the coming weeks, months and years :))))). To all those going through the process like us, best of luck to you all. Xx

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Guest AngPhil

We are leaving the UK on the 29th July heading for Adelaide. We have 2 boys who are 12 and 8. I'm a secondary maths teacher and my OH is an electrician. We have booked some accommodation in Christies Beach for the first 6 weeks, but we are open minded about where we want to live depending on schools and jobs.


Let me know if you fancy meeting up when we arrive




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Welcome, Gail! It sounds like you're reaching an exciting stage in the process. We came over on a 457 and the visa took just 6 days to come through so I'm sure it won't take long!


I'm afraid I don't know that much about North Adelaide but let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.


Good luck with the house sale and remember to keep your eyes focused on the final goal when things get a bit tough (they will!). It's wonderful here and we're loving it! 29th July will be here before you know it!


Lyn x

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Guest Gail C

That all sounds Great Ang!! Thanks for your reply :)))


We wish you all the best for when you arrive in SA. Christies Beach sounds just fab!! We're looking to secure a rental close to where I'll be working, to cut down on the commute time, but who knows how it will all work out?? I'm usually so organised but the whole Oz thing has thrown all organisation out of the window and we're just taking each day as it comes.


Looking forward to keeping in touch and perhaps catching up at some point. I'm sure our two girls will be excited to learn that there are other potential friends around when they move out to Adelaide.

Take Care Xx

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Guest Gail C

Thank you so much for your message Lyn :)))

As the deadline gets closer, we're starting to get nervous and excited all at the same time. We're just crossing our fingers that all works out okay over the next couple of months. I look forward to keeping in touch with you on the forum.

Take Care Xx

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Hi All,


Our family of four are relocating to Adelaide in July/Aug this year (we're just waiting on the 457 visa process being completed), so I thought it would be beneficial to make contact with fellow Brits that have went through the Migration process before, and who are undertaking the process at the moment, like us. Poms in Adelaide sounds ideal for this!! :)))


I am going to be working as a Midwife at Calvary North Adelaide Hospital, which I'm really looking forward to and my husband Gary, who owns a fibre optic company in Scotland, is going to be working with the University of Adelaide once our two girls (aged 11 & 6) are settled into Aussie life and are settled in at school. We are still trying to sell our home in Scotland and we hope to secure a rental property with around a 20 minute commute from the hospital. Lots to investigate and organise before we leave the UK, so any pointers from you all would be very much appreciated, thank you so much in advance.


I look forward to communicating with you all on the PomsinAdelaide Forum over the coming weeks, months and years :))))). To all those going through the process like us, best of luck to you all. Xx


Hi, Henley area is a good location, one road right into the city, near beach location (depending on how far you from the city you go), schools on route. Quite nice little beach life area too quite vibrant in the evening. We walk from West beach to Semaphore and back, takes about 4 hours amazing beaches.

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Guest JaneG

Hi Gail,

This is a really exciting time for you all. We moved Dec '10 and are in Woodcroft. I have girls 13,8,5 so when you arrive if you want a chat let me know...

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Guest MrsC

Hi Gail and Everyone! My name is Dawn, we move out on Aug/Sept this year and we are in the same boat, waiting to sell our house and we ahve already started packing up, our flights are being confirmed next week, we are hopefully gonna be in the Henley Beach area! I have met lots of people on here moving out at the same time, it will be good to keep intouch! Good Luck! Exciting and Scary at the same time! x

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Guest Gail C

Thank you everyone for your lovely messages, tips and offers of keeping in contact :) It's really nice to know that we'll not be 'alone' when we move to SA. Each day brings us that step closer to our Migration. Although it's all very exciting, it's also an emotional rollercoaster too. I just hope it all works out ok!!


Looking forward to staying in touch. Take care everyone & best of luck Xx

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