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Visas are expiring but elderly parent with health issues in UK needs us!! Advice Pls

Guest LaLa

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Guest LaLa

Hi everyone,


I would appreciate your help with my dilemma. My family and I moved to oz in 2008 but had to return to the uk in 2010 ( just short of 2years) as my parents fell ill and everything wasn't going as planned. My husband was just short of 5 weeks to get his citizenship before we left. We all have PR that expire all on the same date in 2013. Unfortunately my mother died of cancer last year. We now live with my elderly father (80 yrs old)in England. He had a heart attack last year but has recovered well. He also has mild vascular dementia and is registered disabled. I am my fathers carer in the UK.


Our pr visas run out next year and don't know whether we will able to renew them. If we can't renew them would there be anyway to get a visa for my father to come and live with us in oz? He would be happy to move there with us. His doctor has said he would be able to manage the flight and move. He does have a another child but they do not speak and haven't done for years. He also has step children but they rarely contact him. None of the other relatives in the UK would be prepared to look after him. He depends on me for meals, drinks, medication and transport/outings. He is financially independent and owns his house. He really doesn't want to go in a nursing home/residental care and I wouldn't want him to have to do that while he is still has some wits about him and is happy. I promised my mother before she died that I would look after my dad.


It is a hard decision to make as my family and I are desperate to get back to oz as soon as possible but we want to care and keep my father happy until the end of his days. We wont leave the country without him. Any advice please?


Thank you : )

Edited by LaLa
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Hello and welcome. You were pointed here from PIO iirc.


Have a read of the sticky about parent visas, in migration section to get you started.


We have a member on here, Gollywobbler, who is a fountain of knowledge and very helpful and it's her thread in the parent visa. She and others may be along to reply soon also, but that will get you started in the meantime :)

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Hello LaLa


You may be able to obtain Resident Return Visas if you are unable to travel back to Oz before the travel element of your existing visas expires:




Would your father be eligible for, and would he able to afford, a Contributory Parent or a Contributory Aged Parent visa?






My mother has a Contributory Parent visa subclass 143. It was granted a few days before her 85th birthday and Mum is by no means the oldest person to have been accepted for Parent migration to Oz.


If a CPV or CAPV would be possible, there is no great problem with taking Dad out to Oz at the time as you go back out there. Presumably he would live in your house in Oz, in the same way as my Mum lives in my sister's house?


Don't worry about the 2-year "requirement" described in the section about Sponsorship in Booklet 3. That can often be overcome:




Please study the second of the two MRT cases that Alan Collett of Go Matilda has cited in his article above. The second case involved Parents called Mr & Mrs Badcock and their daughter was Mrs Ayres.


Please read through the stuff I've given you the links for and then please shout again if you need any further help.





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Thank you for your responses. I am in the process of contacting an agent for advice but so far the outlook seems a little grim:sad:.

We have looked into the CPVs but my father does not pass the family balance test as he has a son and step children in UK, although they barely have any contact with him and they would not be prepared to look after him. Also I doubt he would pass the medical due to him having mild dementia and history of heart trouble.

By no means do we want him to be a drain on the government, he has enough money to support himself financially for medical care and living requirements. If he were to move to OZ he would be living with us and I would carry on being his carer. We would be prepared to sponser him for medical care and what ever else is required.

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