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Making the Move- April 2013


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Guest deardos
Hi Deardos,


Great news to hear you already have a job! I speak for myself when I say I find that one of the scariest things- the prospect of moving probably without a job for me or my husband. Must be such a relief for you.

Here comes the obvious question: what kind of work do you do and how did you find your job? Every little helps for us :)





Hi Wisette,


I had Skype interviews and got the job from Seek.com.au and Indeed.com.au. I get jobs emailed to me everyday, I just registered my details and key words.

I am a Environmental Health Officer. I never registered with agencies and prefered the direct option.


Hope this helps








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Guest twinfamily



Wow there are quite a few of us moving over.


We've not started our paperwork yet but I've got a job sorted thankfully.


I think we'll be living in and around Golden grove but not decided as yet. it's meant to have a good school?


We'll be renting at first. Will put the house on the market in the new year and pray that it sells! If not, may have to rent our uk home!


Look forward to hearing from u all - is anyone looking at the northeast?




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We too are coming back early next year we used to live in Adelaide and for family reasons thought it was a good idea to come back but cannot wait to get back to Australia, its all taking time (cause you basically cannot sell your house over here at the moment) aiming for Jan/ Feb 2013 - can anyone recommend a good removal company, saw someone comment on a cube or something?? whats that about any recommendations would be good we are aiming to go to the south adelaide area so would be good to meet up with some of you guys once we eventually get back xx




After a very long wait we finally have received our visa's and have to land in Adelaide before May 2013. We are now trying to save up as much as we can and doing research on all the usual; jobs, living, medical care, costs, shipping, etc.

We are a young family, my husband, our son who will be 2 next month, and myself and we can not wait to make the move.Also very anxious as we have no jobs (yet) so we will be taking a deep, risky plunge..

Recently told the family and close friends that we will be leaving, struggling with some of the reactions but I suppose it only proves they loves us! Keeping it from everyone else until we are 100% of our leaving date and all set to go.


Hoping to get in contact with some people who are looking to move around the same time to share experiences and ideas?



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Hi there,


The market in the uk is a nightmare isn't it, we have had pretty much the same situation and have decided to rent there are just hundreds of homes up for sale and none are selling, can I ask what removal companies have been recommended to you / or what one are you getting a quote from ? We used to live in Adelaide and are heading back in the new year - yes it is one big nightmare luckily we have experienced it all before but it is not good I admit when you have to leave all the family behind but it is certainly worth it and you will all get used to it, its certainly worse the second time around, not for us cause its what we really want to do but when we came back family thought it was for good and do not understand why we want to go back, people who have never lived there just do not understand how good things are there, the lifestyle, people, culture . As far as jobs go I must admit that agencies over there are pretty useless it depends what you do, check out the local paper The Advertiser for jobs and like with any job if you want one you can get it , you just need to apply for everything and never give up on an application phone or even turn up at a place just get yourself noticed - you will get something eventually so don't panic, ah have just seen PSS shipping you are using not sure if they are in my area :)

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Thanks your post has given me a pick me up! Really admire you doing it twice that must be so hard!


Oh you are welcome hope everything goes well when you eventually move what area are you planning on going to? it will be hard but very much worth it as I said, good luck with it all x

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Don't know where we'll end up - going to wait and see areas, distances, schools and jobs!



I have no idea how to private message on here, but if you want any advice on anything I am happy to help am quite knowledgeable about different areas to live and what they are like could advise for or against

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  • 1 month later...

My hubby and I are moving oer March 2013. He has a job, I'll look when we get there. Just trying to look through all the shipping quotes and what's included or not in all of them. Bringing the car too I think which is adding to the complications. We've a 2 bedroom flat but we're planning to keep it and rent it out furnished and just bring a small amount of our things with us, makes it harder for getting quotes for moving though cos we're not 100% sure what we're wanting to bring yet. Have thought about the move cube too, it's such a strange concept to try and imagine all our things in terms of cubic feet...


Bringing our dog too but he'll come over a little after us, his rabies bloods mean he can't enter too April 2013.


We'll be living up in/around the Barossa as that's where hubby's job is.



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Guest Rich Paulson

Hi All, I will also be moving over in April 2013 - along with the missus and our 4 yr old tyrant of a son. :) We will be looking for somewhere down south around the Christies Beach area as we have family nearby. I'd love to catch up with anyone in the same boat, to meet new people and make new friends.

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  • 2 months later...

Finally booked our flights! Flying out 25 April and will be staying in Dubai for a mini holiday on the beach (guess we will need that by then!). Arriving in Adelaide 2nd May.

Still not sold the house, but confident we can rent out in we cant sell. Have got short term accommodation sorted as well.

Still have to confirm shipment, reviewing quotes and have to make final decision on what to bring along.


2,5 more months to go and its still not sinking in!!

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Guest Bluebell

Hi All,


We've booked our flights for the 17thApril just handed my notice in at work so it is definitely on now!! We have booked 16 nights short term accomodation so will have all on securing a long term rental before I start work on 5th May. Have just opened a bank account so am working all the extra shifts I can so I have enough when we get there. I have wanted to go to Australia for so long now I can't believe it's actually going to happen ( I had a working visa at 22 but didn't go as met my now husband, that was 15 years and 2 children ago) we did live in Turkey for a couple of years but not quite the same!!


Looking forward to all the new challenges


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Guest MandiMR2

Huge congratulations to you all on your journeys so far, reading this whole thread is very inspiring. I'll be following you all later in the year, but it would be ever so great if you could keep this thread updated with your progress & developments. Best of luck to each of you.

Mandi x

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Hi we have also just booked flights and short term rental! Arriving 25th may!me my husband and 3 children, I have been soo excited the whole way through this,and have just this week had a complete melt down!!! Ahhh! It's hit home BIG time what I'm about to do! Leaving my friends and family is going to be a complete nightmare! But I'm sure it's the same for everyone doing this! Here's to an amazing adventure !!

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