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Hi, I am new here. My husband has been trying to persuade me to emigrate over to Australia for the last 3 years but I haven't been brave enough to take the plunge. I said I would join here to give it some extra thought as I know how desperate he is to do it, I feel I am holding him back from his dream.


He loves Perth and Adelaide :smile:


So hello, and I hope to get chatting to you all on here soon:cute:

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Hello and welcome to the forum :)


I think Adelaide is lovely anyways :) I guess it comes down to what appeals to you as a family and where the work is and if you can get a visa. Have you visited Aus before?


Are you really keen to emigrate yourself and just nervous and worried about taking the plunge? Just you say 'persuade' which if your hubby really has to do that, then it may be emigrating isn't something for you. I don't say that to be unkind but honestly, you have got to want to do this and be on board with it or else its possibly going to be a real struggle for you and you may resent wherever you end up in Aus, just because it isn't really what you want or where you want to be. Saying that you could love it and never have any real worries once you've made the move :) Hard to know but experience has taught me if a person isn't keen, then it can make it harder for them.


Migrating is tough even when everyone is on the same page, so be really sure its what you want for all of you. You have 3 children also so this move would be a big change for them and they need Mum and Dad on the same page and wanting the move. Some people move with a view to returning to the UK in the future, others make the move and intend for it to be permanent, some make the move thinking its long term only to be heading back to the UK as for whatever reason it wasn't for them or circumstances took them back there. So a move to Aus doesn't have to be the be all and end all but if its a long term plan then really be sure you are wanting it. Once in Aus it can be hard if one parent loves it and the other doesn't.


If your family is all happy in the UK consider why you want to make the move to Aus. What are you hoping for should this move go ahead? Adelaide may well suit your needs/wants. But then so might Perth. Personally I think Perth is that bit too remote for my liking. Sure its a city and has towns up and down the coast and so on from it, but coming from the UK where its an easy drive to all sorts of places, Perth has that remote feel about it I can't shake. Its meant to be a lovely city anyways :) But I like Adelaide and its where we are going, so it doesn't really matter much to me about Perth and its pros and cons. For us the only other city we considered was Melbourne but as hubby is from Adelaide it made sense to us to head there.


Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. Feel free to drop me a PM if you want to chat :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



I am not 100% sure about going, I never have been. He is very upset that I won't consider it, so I am trying to bring myself round to his way of thinking as I know I am holding him back.


Our families are here but to be honest we have very little contact with them. I have a very poor relationship with my parents, always have done due to their behaviour, and my siblings treat me so badly. Something happened last year which I can't write on here but I had to call the police and since then my husband wants us to protect our children from them and just get away from it all. I just think of the children, they are getting older now and I know they just won't want to go, our eldest is 10 and is very much against going, as is our 8 year old. I can't help but take their feelings into account.


A fresh start is what we need, it just to me seems so far away, but at the same time, living so close by to my 'family' is not doing me any good either.


Thanks for your reply.


Hello and welcome to the forum :)


I think Adelaide is lovely anyways :) I guess it comes down to what appeals to you as a family and where the work is and if you can get a visa. Have you visited Aus before?


Are you really keen to emigrate yourself and just nervous and worried about taking the plunge? Just you say 'persuade' which if your hubby really has to do that, then it may be emigrating isn't something for you. I don't say that to be unkind but honestly, you have got to want to do this and be on board with it or else its possibly going to be a real struggle for you and you may resent wherever you end up in Aus, just because it isn't really what you want or where you want to be. Saying that you could love it and never have any real worries once you've made the move :) Hard to know but experience has taught me if a person isn't keen, then it can make it harder for them.


Migrating is tough even when everyone is on the same page, so be really sure its what you want for all of you. You have 3 children also so this move would be a big change for them and they need Mum and Dad on the same page and wanting the move. Some people move with a view to returning to the UK in the future, others make the move and intend for it to be permanent, some make the move thinking its long term only to be heading back to the UK as for whatever reason it wasn't for them or circumstances took them back there. So a move to Aus doesn't have to be the be all and end all but if its a long term plan then really be sure you are wanting it. Once in Aus it can be hard if one parent loves it and the other doesn't.


If your family is all happy in the UK consider why you want to make the move to Aus. What are you hoping for should this move go ahead? Adelaide may well suit your needs/wants. But then so might Perth. Personally I think Perth is that bit too remote for my liking. Sure its a city and has towns up and down the coast and so on from it, but coming from the UK where its an easy drive to all sorts of places, Perth has that remote feel about it I can't shake. Its meant to be a lovely city anyways :) But I like Adelaide and its where we are going, so it doesn't really matter much to me about Perth and its pros and cons. For us the only other city we considered was Melbourne but as hubby is from Adelaide it made sense to us to head there.


Anyways, I'll stop rambling now. Feel free to drop me a PM if you want to chat :)

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